This legislation has been repealed.
(1) A reflector
required to be fitted to a motor vehicle or trailer, in accordance with these
regulations shall —
(a) be
such that, during the hours of darkness, it reflects the light of a headlamp
complying with the provisions of regulation 202 and projected on it, so
as to be clearly visible to the driver of the vehicle from which the light is
projected, at a distance of 100 metres;
except as provided by regulation 306(c), be fitted in a vertical position
and at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; and
(c) be
unobscured and in a clean condition.
(2) A reflector
required to be fitted to a motor vehicle or trailer in accordance with these
regulations shall comply with the requirements of Australian Standard Interim
Specification No. 355 — 1955, Retro Reflectors for Road
Signs and Vehicles.
(3) Where reflective
material is permitted to be fitted to a motor vehicle or trailer, it shall
comply with the requirements of Australian Standard Interim Specification
No. 354 — 1955, Retro Reflecting Materials for Road Signs
and Vehicles.