Chairperson Evelyn
Scott today welcomed the Australian businessman and Ambassador for Reconciliation,
Dick Smith�s, call for a more appropriate date for Australia Day.
Last week, Mr
Smith wrote a letter to members in the Australian Geographic
magazine, asking all Australians to think of an alternative date to
January 26 to celebrate Australia Day. He called on all Australians
to think of a different date that both Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Australians and the wider Australian community could share
as a significant, special day for the country.
Mr Smith wrote:
"Understandably, many Aboriginal people don�t see 26 January �
the day Governor Phillip raised the British flag at Sydney Cove in 1788
� as a cause for celebration. Today in more enlightened times, we know
that Australia wasn�t settled on a particular date 212 years ago, but
through the migration of people, more than 40,000 years before that."
"I don�t have any particular alternative date in mind � that�s
open for discussion. I do, however, feel strongly that Australia Day
should be a day of celebration for all Australians," Mr Smith said.
Ms Scott applauded
Mr Smith�s characteristically practical approach to reconciliation.
She said that the Council had not adopted a policy on the Australia
Day issue. "However, as Council Chair and an Indigenous person,
I welcome an Australian of Mr Smith�s prominence opening up this issue
for discussion," Ms Scott said. "I hope this initiative starts
a serious national debate on this issue.
"A day as
symbolic and important to our national pride as Australia Day should
indeed be celebrated by all Australians on a date which is significant
to all of us � and which can support the reconciliation process we so
desperately need. "I thank Mr Smith for his contribution, and I
hope Australians will be able to celebrate together our national day
in the years to come." NB: Mr Smith�s letter is published in the
latest Members� Newsletter in the Australian Geographic. A copy
follows this media release and can be published.
November 1999

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