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Australian Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation - Monitor |
Appendix A
Ongoing matters
4.1 The committee engages with relevant ministers and agencies to attempt to resolve its concerns about scrutiny issues raised by disallowable legislative instruments. This appendix documents the committee's ongoing scrutiny concerns.
Ministerial engagement
4.2 The committee is engaging with the relevant minister about the scrutiny issues raised by the instruments listed below. Copies of the ministerial correspondence are available on the committee's website.[1]
ASIC Corporations (IPO Communications) Instrument 2020/722
Principle (j) exemptions from primary legislation
Principle (j) modification of primary legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking further advice from the Treasurer.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 07/12/2020.
ASIC Corporations (Hardship Withdrawals Relief) Instrument 2020/778
Principle (j) exemptions from primary legislation
Principe (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking further advice from the Treasurer.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 07/12/2020.
ASIC Corporations (Litigation Funding Schemes) Instrument 2020/787
Principle (j) exemptions from primary legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking further advice from the Treasurer.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 01/12/2020.
ASIC Corporations (Stub Equity in Control Transactions) Instrument
2020/734 [F2020L01199]
Principle (j) modification of primary legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking advice from the Treasurer.
ASIC Corporations, Credit and Superannuation (Internal Dispute
Resolution) Instrument 2020/98 [F2020L00962]
Principle (j) modification of primary legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking further advice from the Treasurer.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 30/11/2020.
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality)
determination No.1 of 2020 [F2020L00945]
Principle (a) compliance with authorising legislation—compliance with
legislative preconditions
Committee considering response.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 30/11/2020.
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs
Measures No. 4) Regulations 2020 [F2020L00994]
Principle (i) availability of independent merits review
Principle (j) significant matters in delegated legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Principle (d) consultation with persons affected
Committee considering response.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 30/11/2020.
Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission
Response—Protecting Consumers) (Mortgage Brokers) Regulations 2020
Principle (j) significant matters in delegated legislation
Seeking advice from the Treasurer.
Social Security (Administration) – various instruments
[F2020L01221] [F2020L01223] [F2020L01224] [F2020L01225] [F2020L01226]
Principle (a) compliance with Legislation Act 2003 –
Principle (c) broad discretionary power
Principle (j) matters more appropriate for parliamentary enactment
Seeking advice from the minister.
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) (Communications Access
Co-ordinator) Instrument 2019 [F2020L01141]
Principle (a) compliance with Legislation Act 2003 –
registration of instrument
Principle (c) scope of administrative powers
Committee considering response.
Telecommunications (Superfast Broadband Network Class Exemption)
Determination 2020 [F2020L01061]
Principle (j) modification of primary legislation
Principle (k) parliamentary oversight
Seeking further advice from the minister.
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 07/12/2020.
Veterans' Affairs (Treatment Principles – Rehabilitation in the
Home and Other Amendments) Determination 2020 [F2020L01028]
Principle (i) availability of independent merits review
Seeking further advice from the minister
Notice of motion to disallow placed on 30/11/2020.
4.3 The committee is engaging with the relevant agencies via its secretariat to seek further information about potential scrutiny concerns raised by the instruments listed below.
Age Discrimination Regulations 2020 [F2020L01138]
Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials
Principle (j) exemptions from primary legislation
Seeking further advice from the agency.
CASA EX132/20 — Licensing, and Operator Training and Checking
(Extensions of Time Due to COVID-19) Exemptions Amendment Instrument
2020 (No.
3) [F2020L01202]
Principle (a) compliance with authorising legislation – compliance
with legislative preconditions
Principle (d) consultation with persons affected
Seeking advice from the agency.
Civil Aviation Order 95.10 (Exemption from provisions of the Civil
Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 —
microlight aeroplanes) Instrument 2020 [F2020L01242]
Principle (f) incorporation – access and use
Seeking advice from the agency.
Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Higher
Rate Determination 2020 [F2020L01172]
Principle (i) availability of independent merits review
Seeking further advice from the agency.
Corporations (Coronavirus Economic Response) Determination (No. 3) 2020
Principle (a) compliance with Legislation Act 2003 –
Principle (g) adequacy of explanatory materials
Seeking advice from the agency.
Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Amendment Standards
2020 [F2020L01245]
Principle (a) compliance with Legislation Act 2003 –
Principle (f) access and use
Seeking advice from the agency.
Health Insurance (Approvals for Eligible Collection Centres) Principles
2020 [F2020L01179]
Principle (d) consultation with persons affected
Principle (i) availability of independent merits review
Seeking advice from the agency.
National Health (Commonwealth Price - Pharmaceutical benefits supplied
by private hospitals) Determination 2020 (PB 99 of 2020) [F2020L01208]
Seeking advice from the agency.
Private Health Insurance (Complaints Levy) Rules 2020
Principle (a) compliance with Legislation Act 2003 –
Seeking advice from the agency.
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Relevant Company)
Amendment (2020 Measures No. 1) Rules 2020 [F2020L01234]
Principle (d) consultation
Seeking advice from the agency.
[1] See www.aph.gov.au/senate_sdlc.
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