AustLII Guide to Legal Research on the Web
Detailed Table of Contents
Title Page
1. Introduction
1.1. Approach and structure of this text
1.1.1. An AustLII perspective
1.1.2. WorldLII and Related LIIs
1.2. General principles of internet legal research
1.2.1. Browsing and searching - the two basic techniques
Browsing - hypertext
Searching - text retrieval
2. A Brief Guide to Using the Internet
2.1. Internet Basics
2.1.1. What is the Internet?
2.1.2. Understanding URLs
2.1.3. The parts of a Web address1
2.1.4. Sites using Frames
2.2. Moving around the Internet
2.2.1. If you already know the Address -
2.2.2. ‘Browsing’
2.2.4. Basic navigation - ‘Back’, ‘Forward’, ‘Stop’ and ‘Home’ icons
2.2.5. The ‘Reload’or ‘Refresh’ Button
2.2.6. The History List (under ‘Go’)2
2.2.7. Finding words within the current page (‘FIND’)
2.2.8. Saving and printing web documents
2.2.9. Bookmarks or Favourites
3. Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
3.1. Background to AustLII
3.2. Primary legal materials on AustLII
3.2.1. Legislation
3.2.2. Commonwealth courts and tribunals - decisions
3.2.3. State and Territory Courts and Tribunals
3.2.4. Other primary materials databases
3.3. Accessing AustLII’s databases - menus
3.3.1. Primary materials database title pages
3.4. Searching AustLII
3.4.1. The SINO search engine - introduction
SINO emulations of other common search languages
The SINO search interface
(i) Standard search form
(ii) Full search form
SINO search basics
Summary of search operators
3.4.2. Words and phrases - what is searchable
Non-searchable words and characters
Truncation and other pattern matching
3.4.3. Search operators and syntax
Order of evaluation of operators
Controlling the order of evaluation of operators
The AND operator
The OR operator - specifying synonyms
The NOT operator - excluding documents
Proximity operators - the NEAR operator
Proximity operators - Specified proximity
3.4.4. Limiting the breadth of searches - ‘Select Database’
Caution - Change Database Selection back after use
3.4.5. Limiting searches to fields using ‘Search scope’
Restricting search scope from the Search Terms window
Caution - Change Search Scope back to default after use
3.4.6. The ‘Display Hits’ window
3.4.7. Limiting searches to date ranges (#date )
3.5. Display of search results
3.5.1. How AustLII’s relevance ranking works
3.5.2. Standard display of search results
3.5.3. Using the search results list
Multiple pages of search results
Going from one document in the list to the next
Going back to the search results list at a later time
3.5.4. Viewing search terms - the ‘Context’ buttons
Going to the first occurrence of a search term
Going back and forward between search terms
Tips and problems in using ‘Context’
Use of Netscape’s FIND feature
3.6. Appendix: SINO search language emulations
3.6.1. Operators similar to LawPac/Info-One
3.6.2. Operators similar to Lexis and DiskROM
3.6.3. Operators similar to SCALE (STATUS operators)
3.6.4. Operators similar to C and agrep
4. Special features of AustLII databases - legislation, case law, and others
4.1. Legislation on AustLII - special features
4.1.1. Accessing legislation on AustLII - options
4.1.2. Hypertext links from AustLII legislation
The basis of AustLII's legislation mark-up
4.1.3. Standard ‘buttons’ in each section of legislation
4.1.4. Browsing legislation
4.1.5. Searching legislation
Finding specific Acts or regulations - ‘this legislation name’ Search Scope
Searching for specific sections of an Act
Limiting searches to legislation only
Useful search connectors for legislation searches
4.1.6. Checking the currency of legislation
Commonwealth Consolidated Acts
Commonwealth Numbered Acts
Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations
New South Wales Consolidated Acts
New South Wales Consolidated Regulations
4.1.7. Assent and commencement dates
Commonwealth legislation
4.1.8. Downloading and printing legislation
Downloading/printing one section of an Act
Downloading/printing a whole Act
4.1.9. Subject indexes to AustLII’s legislation
4.2. Case law on AustLII - special features
4.2.1. Accessing case law on AustLII - options
4.2.2. Currency of case law databases - the ‘List of Recent Cases’
4.2.3. Standard ‘buttons’ within each AustLII case
4.2.4. Browsing case law
Hypertext links from cases
Caution! - Check that the section linked to has not been amended
4.2.5. Searching case law
Useful search connectors for case law searches - use ‘NEAR’ not ‘AND’
‘this case name’ Search Scope
Finding all references to a case - [Noteup] and otherwise
4.3. Secondary legal materials on AustLII
4.3.1. Searching secondary materials on AustLII
Limiting searches to secondary materials
Structure of secondary materials databases
5. World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII)
5.1. Collaborating parties
5.2. Browsing the Databases
5.2.1. Legislation databases
Front page of each database
Standard ‘buttons’ in each section of legislation
5.2.2. Case Law databases
Front page of database
Standard ‘buttons’ within each case
5.3. Searching the Databases
5.3.1. Limiting the scope of searches
5.4. Extending searches beyond your LII
5.5. Browsing the Catalog
5.6. Searching the Catalog
Technical development and hosting
5.6.1. Search options
5.6.2. Cross-national hypertext links
5.7. A model for systematic global legal research
5.7.1. Repeating searches for comprehensive research
5.7.2. An interface for comprehensive research
5.8. Research strategies - How to use WorldLII
5.8.1. There is no perfect legal research tool
5.8.2. Always check ‘Other Indexes’
5.8.3. Always use an Internet-wide search engine as well
Finding treaties
Find international law reform reports and implementations
Finding a country's human rights record
6. SCALEplus
6.1. Background
Further information about SCALEplus
6.1.1. Accessing SCALEplus
Access to SCALE plus databases from AustLII’s index
6.1.2. Databases from SCALE on other web sites
6.1.3. Databases
Commonwealth Legislation
Territory Legislation
Other Databases
6.2. Browsing SCALEplus
6.2.1. Browsing legislation
Navigation within a section
6.2.2. Browsing case law
6.3. Search terms and connectors
6.3.1. Search terms
Acceptable search terms
Use of parentheses
Automated stemming
Topics - the automated thesaurus
6.3.2. Search connectors and operators
6.4. Search interfaces
6.4.1. Unstructured search interface (‘Quick Search’)
6.4.2. Structured search interface (‘Advanced Search’)
6.5. Limiting the scope of searches
6.5.1. Limiting searches to only some databases
Quick Search Interface
‘Select Databases’ Menu
Don’t forget to use ‘Set’
Warning - Any limited selection of databases stays current until you change it
6.5.2. Using zones to limit searches ( <in> operator)
Zones in legislation databases
Zones in caselaw databases
Display of results
6.5.3. Limiting searches by date
6.6. Display of search results
6.6.1. Relevance ranking
6.6.2. Number of hits displayed
6.6.3. Context displays
7. Butterworths Online
7.1. Background
7.1.1. Accessing Butterworths Online
Access from AustLII’s index
7.1.2. Other resources
7.2. Databases
7.2.1. Libraries of general publications
General research publications
Unreported judgments
7.2.2. Subject-specific Libraries
Administrative law
Civil procedure
Criminal law
Family law
Intellectual property
Local government
7.3. Browsing
7.3.1. Organisation of the screen (frames)
7.3.2. Expanding and collapsing tables of contents
7.3.3. Navigation buttons for browsing
7.3.4. Hypertext links within and between documents
7.4. Search terms and connectors
7.4.1. Search connectors and operators
7.5. Search interfaces
7.5.1. Searches over multiple databases
Choosing databases
Entering searches
7.5.2. Customised search forms for particular Libraries
7.5.3. Customised search forms for single databases
Limiting searches to ‘chapters’ of a database
Limiting searches to fields (‘elements’) in a database
7.6. Display of search results
7.6.1. Display options
7.6.2. Display of results
7.6.3. Navigation buttons for searches
7.6.4. Displaying the whole document
8. Other major Australian law sites
8.1. Other major Australian law sites
8.1.1. FindLaw Australia
8.1.2. Law & Justice Foundation of New South Wales
8.1.4. Australian Law Online
8.1.5. City-State Law
8.1.6. Parliamentary Counsel Offices, Parliament sites, Government Publishers etc
8.1.7. University of Technology, Sydney - Library
8.2. Major categories of Australian law on the net
8.2.1. Case law materials - full text, summaries, court home pages, court lists etc
Example - High Court of Australia
8.2.2. Legislative materials - Acts, Bills, Explanatory Memoranda etc
8.2.3. Parliamentary information - Hansard, procedure, votes etc
Example - Commonwealth Parliament
8.2.4. Law reform materials
8.2.5. Law journals and other legal periodicals
9. Using internet search engines to find law
9.1. Finding law using general (‘non-law’) resources
9.2. Australian Search Engines
9.3. Searching the ‘Australian internet’
9.3.1. The Web Wombat
Search tips
9.4. Indexes of the whole internet, worldwide
9.5. AltaVista
9.6. Google