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AustLII User Guide (2007)
Last updated 13 March 2008
This page lists all publications by AustLII’s Directors and staff since 1992, by year. It includes publications from the DataLex Project (1995-2005) which preceded AustLII.
Greenleaf, G ‘Legal Information Institutes and the Free Access to Law Movement’ GlobaLex, February 2008
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and Chung P ‘Building a commons for the common law - The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) after two years progress’ Record - Meeting of Senior Officials of Commonwealth Law Ministries, (Marlbrough House, London, October 2007), Commonwealth Secretariat, January 2008 (Print Proceedings plus CDROM)
Poulin D, Mowbray A and Lemyre P (2007) ‘Free Access to Law and Open Source Software’ in Handbook of Research on Open Source Software St. Amant & Still (Eds) Information Science Reference, Hershey - New York 2007
Greenleaf G, Chung P, and Mowbray A ‘Emerging Global Networks for Free Access to Law: WorldLII’s Strategies 2002-05’ (2007) 4(4): 319-366 SCRIPT-ed, University of Edinburgh, ISSN 1744-2567
Mowbray A, Greenleaf G, Chung P and Austin A ‘Improving stability and performance of an international network of free access legal information systems’, 2007 (2) Journal of Information Law & Technology) (JILT), Warwick University ISSN: 1361-4169
Greenleaf, G, Chung, P and Mowbray, A ‘Challenges in improving access to Asian laws: the Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII)’ Australian Journal of Asian Law (2007) 9(1): 152-175 ISSN 1334-0738; revised and expanded from ‘Challenges in improving access to Asian laws: the Asian Legal Information Institute (AsianLII)’ [2007] UNSWLRS 42 (on bePress), Proceedings of the 4th Asian Law Institute Conference - Voices from Asia for a Just and Equitable World, Jakarta, May 2007
Greenleaf G and Chung P ‘AsianLII and other Legal Information Institutes in the Asia-Pacific: Assisting Courts and open justice’ (PPTs), Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific, Hong Kong SAR, PRC, 4-7 June 2007
Greenleaf, G ‘Hidden legislation gems’ NSW Law Society Journal, April 2007
Greenleaf, G ‘Adding value to legislation’ NSW Law Society Journal, May 2007, p50
G Greenleaf, A Mowbray and P Chung ‘Networking LIIs: how free access to law fits together’, Chapter 2 in Holmes N and Venables J (Eds) Legal Web 2007/2008: Legal Information Topics, infolaw Limited, UK, September 2007 (electronic book), previously published as ‘Networking LIIs: how free access to law fits together’ Internet Newsletter for Lawyers, March/April 2007
Greenleaf, G ‘Free access to Japanese and Asian law - The launch of AsianLII in Japan’ [2007] UNSWLRS 60 (on bePress), presentation at the Launch of the Asian Legal Information Institute in Japan, 4 August 2007, Meiji University, Kanda, Tokyo
Greenleaf G and Chung P ‘AsianLII and other Legal Information Institutes in the Asia-Pacific: Assisting Courts and open justice’ (PPTs), Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Chief Justices of Asia and the Pacific, Hong Kong SAR, PRC, 4-7 June 2007
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and Chung P, (2005) ‘Responding to the fragmentation of international law - WorldLII’s International Courts & Tribunals Project’ Canadian Law Library Review 2005, Vol. 30 (1), 13-21 (Presented at 6th Law via Internet Conference, Paris, 2004)
Wittfoth A, Chung P, Greenleaf G and Mowbray A ‘Making Point-in-Time Legislation Generic’ [2005] CompLRes 23; Presented at 7th Law via Internet Conference, Vanuatu, 2005
Wittfoth A, Chung P, Greenleaf G and Mowbray A 'What was the law at that point in time?' pgs 2-4 (NSW) Law Society Journal, May 2005; longer version available as ‘AustLII’s Point-in-Time legislation system: A generic PiT system for presenting legislation’ (PiT System Launch, AustLII, May 2005)
Greenleaf G 'Global Legal Research: WorldLII and the Future' Internet Newsletter for Lawyers, January/February 2005, ISSN 1467 - 3835
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and Chung P (2004) ‘A new home online for Commonwealth law: A proposal for a CommonLII’, 2004 (2) Journal of Information, Law and Technology
Greenleaf, G ‘Full free access to law: Global policy aspects’ [PPT] 6th Law via Internet Conference, Paris, November 2004
Greenleaf G 'Jon Bing and the History of Computerised Legal Research – Some Missing Links' in Olav Torvund and Lee Bygrave (Eds) Et tilbakeblikk på fremtiden ("Looking back at the future") 61-75, Institutt for Rettsinformatikk, Oslo, 2004
Davis, M, Chung, P, Greenleaf, G, Kwok, J ‘The Australian Treaties Library 1900-2003: The '5th Pillar' of Treaties Reform’ [2003] CompLRes 36; Presented at 5th Law via Internet Conference, Sydney, 2003
Wittfoth, A, Chung P, Greenleaf G and Mowbray A) ‘Can One Size Fit All?: - AustLII’s Point-in-time Legislation Project’ Proc. 5th Law via Internet Conference, Sydney, 2003
Greenleaf G, Chung P, Mowbray A, Chow KP, and Pun K 'The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII): Its role in free access to global law via the Internet' (2002) Vol 32 Pt 2 Hong Kong Law Journal 401-427 Sweet and Maxwell Asia ISSN 0378 0600 (available online at Legal Scholarship Network)
Greenleaf G, Chung P, and Mowbray A, (2002), ‘Free access to law via Internet as a condition of the rule of law in Asian societies: HKLII and WorldLII’, 4th Conference on Asian Jurisprudence, 17-19 January 2002, University of Hong Kong
Greenleaf G, Chung P and Allen A 'World Law: Finding Law After Google' [2001] CompLRes 4; (2002) Vol 4 No 1 UTS Law Review 11-30 Halstead Press, Sydney ISSN 1442 4959
Greenleaf G 'Philosophy, Practice and Future of the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII): Achieving the free availability of legal information on the Internet' SHIP Project Review 2001, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 2001
Davis, M, Chung, P, Greenleaf, G, Hasuike, T ‘Managing Secondary Legal Resources on AustLII’ [2001] CompLRes 34, presented at 3rd Law via Internet Conference, Sydney, 2001
Wittfoth, A, Chung, P, Mowbray, A, Greenleaf, G ‘Towards a Uniform Representation of Multi-jurisdictional Legislation-like Instruments’ [2001] CompLRes 30 , presented at 3rd Law via Internet Conference, Sydney, 2001
Allen, R, Chung, P, Mowbray A, Greenleaf, G ‘AustLII’s Aide – Implementing Rulebase Systems’ [2001] CompLRes 32 , presented at 3rd Law via Internet Conference, Sydney, 2001
Allen R, Greenleaf G, Austin D, Chung P, and Mowbray A, (2000), "With a wysh and a prayer: An Experiment in Cooperative Development of Legal Knowledgebases", The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT), vol 2
Greenleaf G, (2000), "Free the Law: How the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) Achieved the Free Availability of Legal Information on the Internet". The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT), vol 1
Greenleaf G, Austin D, Chung P, Mowbray A, Matthews J and Davis M, (2000), "Solving the Problems of Finding Law on the Web: World Law and DIAL", The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT), vol1
McCann S, Greenleaf, G, Chung P and Moore T, (2000), "Reconciliation Online: Reflection and Possibilities",The Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT), vol 2
Austin, D, Mowbray A and Chung, P, (2000), "Scalability of Web Resources for Law: AustLII's Technical Roadmap: Past, Present and Future", The Journal of Information, Law and Technology, vol 1
Greenleaf G, Austin D, Chung P, Mowbray A, Davis M and Matthews J(2000), "Solving the Problems of Finding Law on the Web: World Law and DIAL", The Journal of Information, Law and Technology, vol 1
Mowbray A, Chung, P and Austin, D, (2000), "A Defence of Plain HTML for Law:AustLII's Approach to Standards", The Journal of Information, Law and Technology, vol. 1
Greenleaf G, Austin D, Chung P, Mowbray A, Matthews J and Davis M, (1999), "The future of legal research via Internet, from an Asian perspective (Project DIAL and AustLII's World Law)" , Proceedings of the 16th Biennial LAWASIA Conference, Seoul, Korea, 7-11 September
Greenleaf G, Allen R, Austin D, Chung P, and Mowbray A, (1999), "Collaborative legal inferencing via the web", Proceedings of the Law via the Internet '99 Conference, Sydney, 21-23 July (shorter version also published in Proceedings of the7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (7 ICAIL), Oslo, Norway (published by Association for Computing Machinery)
Greenleaf G, Chung P, Austin D, and Mowbray A, (1999), "Courts and Case-law on the Internet: Approaching the Millennium", Proceedings of the Supreme and Federal Courts Judges Conference, Sydney, 27 January.
Greenleaf G, (1998) Developing the Internet for Asian Law- Project DIAL (A feasibility study and prototype) (commissioned Report to the Asian Development Bank), 156 pgs
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, Chung P, King G, Austin D, (1998), "AustLII - Changing the nature of public access to law", Challenges to Tradition: Law and Knowledge for the New Millenium, NZ Law Librarians Group Conference, Auckland, 10-13 February
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, Chung P, King G, Austin D, (1998), "A restatement of AustLII - Moving access to law into the 21st century" Section on Law Libraries - 21st Century Scholarship: Legal Knowledge Systems on the Internet - Association of American Law Schools Annual Meeting January 6-10, SanFrancisco,
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, King G, Cant S and Chung P, (1997), "More than wyshful thinking: AustLII's legal inferencing via the World Wide Web", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Melbourne, ACM Press, New York.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and King G, (1997), "New directions in law via the internet - The AustLII Papers", Journal of Information, Law and Technology (JILT), Issue 2
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, and King G, (1997), "Legal Research on the Internet - The AustLII Guide to World-Wide Law on the Web", Computerised Legal Research CLE Seminars, Continuing Legal Education Department, UNSW, Sydney.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and King G, (1997), "Law on the Net via AustLII - 14M hypertext links can't be right?", Information Online & On Disc 97 Conference, January, Sydney
Mowbray A,Greenleaf G, King G and Cant S, (1997), "Wysh User's and Developer's Manuals", Australasian Legal Information Institute, Sydney
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, and King G, (1996), "AustLII Guide to Legal Research on the Internet", Computerised Legal Research CLE Seminars, Continuing Legal Education Department, UNSW, Sydney
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and King G, (1996), "AustLII - Technology and politics of law on the net", 4th International Conference on Substantive Technology in the Law School and in Law Practice, Montreal, Québec, 3-6 July.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, King G & Chung P, (1996), "AustLII and Legislation: public information in the public interest", Government Information and Public Policy Conference, Sydney, October.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A, King G & Chung P, (1996), "AustLII and the Courts: public information in the public interest", Australian Institute of Judicial Administration Annual Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, September.
Greenleaf G, and Mowbray A, (1996), "Trial technology - A national strategy? (Three years after the AIJA 'IT in Complex Trials' Report)", IT in Legal Practice Conference (IIR Conferences), Sydney, April.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and King G, (1995), "Public legal information via Internet: AustLII's first six months", Law Technology Journal, Vol 4 No 2, pp 5-10, ISSN 0961-6902 (also in Australian Law Librarian, Vol 3, No 4-5, pp144-153, ISSN 1039-6616)
Greenleaf, G, Mowbray, A. King, G and van Dijk, P, (1995), "Public access to law via internet: the Australasian Legal Information Institute", Journal of Law & Information Science, Vol 6, Issue 1
Greenleaf, G and Mowbray, A, (1995), "Law via Internet: the Australasian Legal Information Institute", 69 Australian Law Journal 581, ISSN 1321-3563
Greenleaf G and Mowbray A, (1995), "AustLII: Largest law site on the internet", Law Society Journal [NSW], December, pp 44-45.
Greenleaf G, (1994), "Computerised Australian legislation - the state of play (part one)", Australian Law Journal, vol. 68, pp 231-233; "Computerised Australian legislation - the state of play (part two)" Australian Law Journal, vol 68.
Greenleaf G, (1994), "Computerised Australian case law - the state of play", Australian Law Journal vol. 68, pp 70-74
'Datalex Project' publications 1992-95
[The 'Datalex Project' research into computerisation of law, by Mowbray, Greenleaf, and colleagues from 1985-1995, preceded the formation of AustLII but has had a very substantial influence on the techniques and approach implemented in AustLII's various projects.]
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and van Dijk P, (1995), "Representing and using legal knowledge in integrated decision support systems - DataLex WorkStations", Artificial Intelligence and Law, vol 3, nos 1-2, pp 97-124
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and van Dijk P, (1994), "WorkStations for different learning styles in law", Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Learning in Law Conference, Law Book Co., Sydney.
Greenleaf G, Mowbray A and van Dijk P, (1994), "DataLex WorkStations User Manual", DataLex Pty Ltd, Sydney.
Greenleaf G (Ed), Griffith, P, Mowbray A and van Dijk P, (1993-94), "The Intellectual Property Workstation", Sydney, DataLex Pty Ltd, (1993), 40 MB - computer application
Greenleaf G and Mowbray A, (1992 -94), "DataLex Workstation Software - Application Developers Manual (Student DOS version)", DataLex Pty Ltd, Sydney.
Greenleaf G (Ed), Mowbray A, Gunning P and van Dijk P, (1991-94), "The Privacy Workstation", DataLex Pty Ltd, Sydney, 6 MB - computer application
Greenleaf G and Mowbray A, (1993), "The AIJA Workstation - Information Technology in Complex Criminal Trials", Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne, 1 MB - computer application
Greenleaf G and Mowbray A, (1993), "Controlling and augmenting legal inferencing", Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Law (Amsterdam 1993), ACM Press, New York, pp162-166
Greenleaf, G & Mowbray A , (1993), "Information technology in complex criminal trials - An AIJA Report", Australian Law Journal, vol 67, pp 873-878.
Greenleaf G and Mowbray A, (1993), Information Technology in Complex Criminal Trials, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne, ISBN 1 875527 11 7
Greenleaf G , Mowbray A, Tyree A, (1992), "The DataLex Legal Workstation - Integrating tools for lawyers", Journal of Law and Information Science vol 3 no 2, pp 219 -240 (also in Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Law, ACM Press, 1991)
Greenleaf G, 1992, "The Privacy Workstation" International Yearbook of Law Computers and Technology, vol 6, pp177 - 196