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Lczmsfa Bank v Ffu~tce,1889   flag 

(1889-1890) 24 LRI 82
Law Reports, Ireland (4th Series)
Republic of Ireland
1st February, 1889

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Liquidators of Overend, Gurney, & Co (Ltd) v The Liquidators of the Oriental Financial Corporation (Ltd) [1874] UKLawRpHL 17; 7 HL 348 United Kingdom 17 Jul 1874 CommonLII flag 16
Boaler v Joseph Mayor the Elder, and Joseph Mayor the Younger [1865] EngR 448; 19 CBNS 76; 141 ER 714; 34 LJCP 230 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1865 CommonLII flag 8
Sharpe v Gibbs and Ohers [1864] EngR 363; 143 ER 1234; (1864) 16 CBNS 527 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 3
Pryce v Bury [1853] EngR 1055; 2 Drew 41; 61 ER 633 United Kingdom circa 1853 CommonLII flag 7
Price v Moulton [1851] EngR 132; (1851) 10 CB 561; 20 LJCP 102; 138 ER 222 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1851 CommonLII flag 13
Baker v Walker [1845] EngR 1045; (1845) 14 M & W 465; 153 ER 558; 3 Dow & L 46 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 8
James v Williams [1845] EngR 527; 13 M & W 828; 153 ER 347 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag 5
Hall v Cole [1836] EngR 350; 111 ER 904; (1836) 4 A & E 577 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1836 CommonLII flag 3
Gordon v Calvert [1828] EngR 538; 2 Sim 253; 57 ER 784; 4 Russ 581 United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 14
Eyre v Everett [1826] EngR 1110; 2 Russ 381; 38 ER 379 United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag 11
Twopenny and Boys v Young [1824] EngR 212; 3 B & C 208; 107 ER 711; 5 D & E 259 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1824 CommonLII flag 10
Pring v Clarkson [1822] EngR 76; 107 ER 6; (1822) 1 B & C 14 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1822 CommonLII flag 1
15 A & E 20 15 A & E 20 Queen's Bench United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
6 Co Rep 344 6 Co Rep 344 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1

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