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Zordan v Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Transport Trust   flag  3

(1963) 37 ALJR 159
Australian Law Journal Reports

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Black v Walden [2008] NSWCA 108; [2008] Aust Torts Reports 81-950 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 29 May 2008 AustLII flag 3
Walden v Black [2006] NSWCA 170 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 5 Jul 2006 AustLII flag 12
Parker v The Commonwealth [1965] HCA 12; (1965) 112 CLR 295; [1965] ALR 1094; (1965) 38 ALJR 444 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Mar 1965 AustLII flag 104

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