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US and Australian Governments   flag  121

(1969) 1144 UNTS 123
United Nations Treaty Series

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Marcus Bisram v the DPP [2022] CCJ 7; [2022] CariCJ 7 Caribbean Court of Justice International 15 Mar 2022 CommonLII flag 3
MERLENE TODD v DESIREE PRICE in her capacity as the Executrix of the Estate of Allan Price, Deceased, whereof Probate was granted to her on the 6th day of December 2010 and numbered 987 of 2010 AND ANN JENNIFER JEBOO Also known as Marie Gloria Elizabeth Joyeux, added pursuant to the Order of this Honourable Court dated the 24th day of August 2020 [2021] CCJ 2; [2021] CariCJ 2 Caribbean Court of Justice International 25 Feb 2021 CommonLII flag 1
"List of abbreviations" [2019] ELECD 591 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2019 AustLII flag
Attorney General of Guyana v Cedric Richardson [2018] CCJ 17; [2018] CariCJ 16; (2018) 92 WIR 416 Caribbean Court of Justice International 26 Jun 2018 CommonLII flag 8
MERABISHVILI v GEORGIA - 72508/13 (Judgment : Preliminary objection dismissed - Admissibility criteria - Exhaustion of domestic remedies - Reje) [2017] ECHR 1070 European Court of Human Rights Europe 28 Nov 2017 BAILII flag 1
"Table of treaties" [2016] ELECD 1331 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
"Table of cases and legislation" [2016] ELECD 608 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
Nicaragua v Colombia - Alleged Violations of Sovereign Rights and Maritime Spaces in the Caribbean Sea - Preliminary Objections - Preliminary Objections of the Republic of Columbia: Volume I - Written Proceedings [2014] ICJTrans 67 International Court of Justice International 19 Dec 2014 WorldLII flag
Observations on the Rules of the African Court on Human People's Rights (Chapter 4 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 20 South Africa circa 2014 SAFLII flag
Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Response by the Legal Representative of Victims to the Defence ' s Challenge on Admissibility of the Case pursuant to articles 17 et 19 (2) (a) of the Rome Statute with 102 Annexes Confidential ex parte OPCV only and same Annexes Public Redacted - Office of Public Counsel for Victims [2010] IntCrimC 265 International Criminal Court International 1 Apr 2010 WorldLII flag
Kaing Guek Eav - Judgement in Case 001 [2010] ECCC 89 Cambodia, Kingdom of circa 2010 AsianLII flag
Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo - Amicus Curiae Observations on Superior Responsibility submitted pursuant to Rule 103 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence [2009] IntCrimC 592 International Criminal Court International 20 Apr 2009 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Simon Bikindi - Judgement - Trial Chamber [2008] ICTR 247 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda International 2 Dec 2008 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Moinina Fofana Judgement Case Noscsl-04-14-t [2007] SCSL 59 Special Court for Sierra Leone International - Sierra Leone 2 Aug 2007 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Moinina Fofana Judgement Case Noscsl-04-14-t [2007] SCSL 60 Special Court for Sierra Leone International - Sierra Leone 2 Aug 2007 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Moinina Fofana Annex G - Table of Authorities Case [2007] SCSL 66 Special Court for Sierra Leone International - Sierra Leone 2 Aug 2007 WorldLII flag
Brooker v Police [2007] NZSC 30; [2007] 3 NZLR 91; (2007) 23 CRNZ 346 Supreme Court of New Zealand New Zealand 4 May 2007 NZLII flag 132
Sarei v Rio Tinto, PLC 487 F3d 1193 United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit United States 12 Apr 2007 WorldLII flag 7
The Prosecutor v. André Rwamakuba - Décision relative la requête de la Défense en juste réparation [2007] ICTR 23 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda International 31 Jan 2007 WorldLII flag
The Prosecutor v. André Rwamakuba - Decision on Appropriate Remedy [2007] ICTR 21 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda International 31 Jan 2007 WorldLII flag
Aldana v Del Monte Fresh Produce Na Inc 452 F3d 1284 United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit United States 23 Jun 2006 WorldLII flag 1
Prosecutor v Hadzihasanovic & Kubura - Judgement - Trial Chamber - en IT-01-47 [2006] ICTY 12 International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia International 15 Mar 2006 WorldLII flag
Igarta-De La Rosa v United States 417 F3d 145 United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit United States 3 Aug 2005 WorldLII flag 8
Kajelijeli: Juvénal Kajelijeli v. The Prosecutor Appeals Judgement [2005] ICTR 6 International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda International 23 May 2005 WorldLII flag
Nuru v Gonzales 404 F3d 1207 United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit United States 21 Apr 2005 WorldLII flag 13
Ecuador - Petition 380/03 - Rafael Ignacio Cuestra Caputi - Report No 10/05 [2005] IACommHR 9 Inter-American Commission on Human Rights International 23 Feb 2005 WorldLII flag
"UN: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948" [2005] ELECD 237 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
Prosecutor v Dario Kordic and Mario Cerkez - Appeals Chamber - Judgment - en IT-95-14/2 [2004] ICTY 110 International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia International 17 Dec 2004 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Dario Kordic and Mario Cerkez Judgment - en IT-95-14/2 [2004] ICTY 111 International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia International 17 Dec 2004 WorldLII flag
Prosecutor v Sam Hinga Norman Dissenting Opinion of Judge Pierre Boutet on the Decision on Prosecution Request for Leave To Amend the Indictment Case Noscsl-04-14-PT [2004] SCSL 116 Special Court for Sierra Leone International - Sierra Leone 31 May 2004 WorldLII flag
Mexico v United States of America - Avena and Other Mexican Nationals - Public sitting held on Monday 15 December 2003, at 3 p m , at the Peace Palace, President Shi presiding - Oral Proceedings [2003] ICJTrans 43 International Court of Justice International 15 Dec 2003 WorldLII flag
Mexico v United States of America - Avena and Other Mexican Nationals - Counter-Memorial of the United States of America - Written Proceedings [2003] ICJTrans 41 International Court of Justice International 2 Nov 2003 WorldLII flag
Flores v Southern Peru Copper Corporation 343 F3d 140 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 19 Sep 2003 WorldLII flag 14
Flores v S Peru Copper Corporation 414 F3d 233 United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit United States 29 Aug 2003 WorldLII flag 12
Alvarez-Machain v United States 331 F3d 604 United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit United States 3 Jun 2003 WorldLII flag 17
Prosecutor v Joni Marques, Manuel Da Costa, Jo ã o Da Costa, Paulo Da Costa, Am é lio Da Costa, Hil á rio Da Silva, Gonsalo Dos Santos, Alarico Fernandes, Mautersa Monis, Gilberto Fernandes - Case [2001] TPSPSC 12 Special Panel for Serious Crimes - Timor Leste Cases East Timor 11 Dec 2001 AsianLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Prosecutor v Abd-Al-Rahman: Human Rights, Customary International Law and the ICC's Non-Retroactivity Problem" (2022) 23 Melbourne Journal of International Law 149 Kiyani, Asad G Australia circa 2022 AustLII flag
"The Protection of Public Morals as an Exception to Indirect Expropriation: Opening the Floodgates to New, Eclectic Moral Crusades?" (2022) 23 Melbourne Journal of International Law 114 Wang, Yucong Australia circa 2022 AustLII flag
"International Law and Global Politics in a Post-Pandemic World: Homo Sapiens?" [2021] VUWLawRw 39 Patrono, Mario New Zealand circa 2021 NZLII flag
"So, This is Permanence': The Inter-American Human Rights System as a Liminal Space for Climate Justice" (2021) 22 Melbourne Journal of International Law 187 Auz, Juan Australia circa 2021 AustLII flag
"The Environment is All Rights: Human Rights, Constitutional Rights and Environmental Rights" (2020) 44 Melbourne University Law Review 634 Pepper, Rachel; Hobbs, Harry Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag
"Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Rights: Troubling Subjects by Stephen Young" (2020) 21 Melbourne Journal of International Law 490 Hobbs, Harry Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag
"Vitalising International Human Rights Law as Legal Authority: Freedom of Expression Enjoyed by Australian Public Servants and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" (2020) 43 University of New South Wales Law Journal 827 Dastyari, Azadeh Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag 1
"List of abbreviations" [2019] ELECD 591 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2019 AustLII flag
"Fluid Personality: Indigenous Rights and the Te Awa Tupua (Whanganui River Claims Settlement) Act 2017 in Aotearoa New Zealand" (2019) 20 Melbourne Journal of International Law 197 Collins, Toni; Esterling, Shea Australia circa 2019 AustLII flag 1
"Investigation as Legitimisation: The Development, Use and Misuse of Informal Complementarity" (2018) 19 Melbourne Journal of International Law 84 Hughes, David Australia circa 2018 AustLII flag
"Cosmopolitan Originalism: Revisiting the Role of International Law in Constitutional Interpretation" (2017) 41 Melbourne University Law Review 182 Kolt, Noam Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag
"Negotiating a Treaty on Business and Human Rights: The Early Stages" (2017) 40 University of New South Wales Law Journal 1200 Cantu Rivera, Humberto Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag
"Escaping The Sea Of Zombies: Lessons Learned From Climate Change Refugees" [2016] CanLawRw 7 (2016) 14 Canberra Law Review 63 Heilikmann, Isabella Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 1
"Table of treaties" [2016] ELECD 1331 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
"Table of cases and legislation" [2016] ELECD 608 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
"Cultural Heritage, Human Rights and the Privatisation of War" [2016] UTSLRS 13 Vrdoljak, Ana Filipa Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
"Transitional Justice and Judicial Activism - A Right to Accountability?" (2015) 48 Cornell International Law Journal 385 Teitel, Ruti United States circa 2015 WorldLII flag
Observations on the Rules of the African Court on Human People's Rights (Chapter 4 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 20 South Africa circa 2014 SAFLII flag
"Coherence and Acceptance in International Law: Can Humanitarianism and Human Rights be Reconciled?" (2014) 35 Adelaide Law Review 251 Crowe, Jonathan Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 1
"Beyond Truth and Punishment in Transitional Justice" (2014) 54 Virginia Journal of International Law 223 Sirleaf, Matiangai vS United States circa 2014 WorldLII flag
"Silencing the Media in Sri Lanka: How the Sri Lankan Constitution Fuels Self-Censorship and Hinders Reconciliation" (2013) 53 Virginia Journal of International Law 725 Boronow, Clare United States circa 2013 WorldLII flag
"International Law, Dignity, Democracy, and the Arab Spring" [2013] CornellIntLawJl 12 Paust, Jordan J United States circa 2013 WorldLII flag
"(R)evolution of State Immunity Following Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v Italy) Winds of Change or Hot Air?" (2013) 32 University of Tasmania Law Review 207 Harvey, Jarrad Australia - Tasmania circa 2013 AustLII flag
"Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources in the 21St Century: Natural Resource Governance and the Right to Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples under International Law" (2013) 14 Melbourne Journal of International Law 451 Pereira, Ricardo; Gough, Orla Australia circa 2013 AustLII flag
"Nationality and statelessness" [2012] UTSLRS 7 Shearer, Ivan; Opeskin, Brian Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag
"The Children of Mae La: Reflections on Regional Refugee Cooperation" (2012) 13 Melbourne Journal of International Law 838 Chia, Joyce; Kenny, Susan Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag
"The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance and Its Contributions to International Human Rights Law, with Specific Reference to Extraordinary Rendition" (2012) 13 Melbourne Journal of International Law 424 Kyriakou, Nikolas Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag 1
"Sharing Evidence across Borders: the Human Rights Challenge" (2012) 30 Australian Year Book of International Law 161 Westmoreland, Kate Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag
"Mandatory Sentencing for People Smuggling: Issues of Law and Policy" (2012) 36 Melbourne University Law Review 553 Andrew Trotter and Matt Garozzo Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag 2
"Nationality and the International Judge: The Nationalist Presumption Governing the International Governing the International Must Be Reversed" [2012] CornellIntLawJl 3 Dannenbaum, Tom United States circa 2012 WorldLII flag
"Temporary Protection, Derogation and the 1951 Refugee Convention" (2012) 13 Melbourne Journal of International Law 595 Edwards, Alice Australia circa 2012 AustLII flag 3
"An Intellectual History of Freedom of Movement in International Law: The Right to Leave as a Personal Liberty" (2011) 12 Melbourne Journal of International Law 27 McAdam, Jane Australia circa 2011 AustLII flag 4
"Courts Resisting Courts: Lessons from the Inter-American Court's Struggle to Enforce Human Rights" [2011] CornellIntLawJl 7 Huneeus, Alexandra United States circa 2011 WorldLII flag
"Cutting the Gordian Knot: How and Why the United Nations Should Vest the International Court of Justice with Referral Jurisdiction" [2011] CornellIntLawJl 22 Strauss, Andrew United States circa 2011 WorldLII flag
"Reparations, Microfinance, and Gender: A Plan, with Strategies for Implementation" [2011] CornellIntLawJl 2 Bernstein, Anita; Seibel, Hans Dieter United States circa 2011 WorldLII flag
"Defining the Rule of Law for Military Operations" (2010) 29 Australian Year Book of International Law 155 Lewis, Angeline Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag 1
"Secessions, Coups and The International Rule of Law: Assessing the Decline of the Effective Control Doctrine" (2010) 11 Melbourne Journal of International Law 393 Roth, Brad R Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag 2
"The Human Rights Delusion: A Defence of the Narrative Tradition of the Common Law" (2010) 12 University of Notre Dame Australia Law Review 69 Quinlan, Peter Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag
"The Tragedy of Comity: Questioning the American Treatment of Inadequate Foreign Courts" (2010) 50 Virginia Journal of International Law 1021 Fitt, Virginia A United States circa 2010 WorldLII flag
"Traditions in Conflict: The Internationalization of Confrontation" [2010] CornellIntLawJl 16 Vanderpuye, Kweku United States circa 2010 WorldLII flag
"Right to Appeal a Judgment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, The" (2009) 10 Melbourne Journal of International Law 596 O'Neill, Lily; Sluiter, Goran Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 1
"The Experience of the Inter-American Human Rights System" [2009] VUWLawRw 7 Gonzalez, Felipe New Zealand circa 2009 NZLII flag
"Alien by the Barest of Threads - The Legality of the Deportation of Long-Term Residents from Australia, An" (2009) 33 Melbourne University Law Review 483 Foster, Michelle Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 9
"Outlawing Amnesty: The Return of Criminal Justice in Transitional Justice Schemes" (2009) 49 Virginia Journal of International Law 915 Laplante, Lisa J United States circa 2009 WorldLII flag 1
"El Salvador: Repression in the Name of Anti-Terrorism" (2009) 42 Cornell International Law Journal 129 Cardona, Mirna United States circa 2009 WorldLII flag
"Indigenous Rights in International Law over the Last 10 Years and Future Developments" (2009) 10 Melbourne Journal of International Law 27 Xanthaki, Alexandra Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag 5
"Environmental Migration Governance" [2009] UNSWLRS 1 McAdam, Jane Australia circa 2009 AustLII flag
"Brave New World: Neurowarfare and the Limits of International Humanitarian Law" (2008) 41 Cornell International Law Journal 177 White, Stephen E United States circa 2008 WorldLII flag
"Assignment Council of Choice to Indigent Accused at the ICTR: An Analysis of a threat to Fair Trial Rights and what may be done about it" (2008) 6 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 239 Leaney, Erica New Zealand circa 2008 NZLII flag
"A Supreme Stretch: The Supremacy Clause in the Wake of IRCA and Hoffman Plastic Compounds" (2008) 41 Cornell International Law Journal 127 Griffith, Kati L United States circa 2008 WorldLII flag
"The Laws of Man Over Vehicles Unmanned: The Legal Response to Robotic Revolution on Sea, Land and Air" [2008] JlLawInfoSci 5 Gogarty, Brendan; Hagger, Meredith Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"The Sinking of the Strait: The Implications of Climate Change for Torres Strait Islanders' Human Rights Protected by the ICCPR" (2008) 9 Melbourne Journal of International Law 405 Cordes-Holland, Owen Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag 2
"Balancing Abolitionism and Cooperation on the World's Scale: The Case of the Bali Nine" (2007) 35 Federal Law Review 81 Sifris, Ronli Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag 5
"At the Border and between the Cracks: The Precarious Position of Irregular Migrant Workers under International Human Rights Law" (2007) 8 Melbourne Journal of International Law 1 Berg, Laurie Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag
"Transnational Challenges to Constitutional Law: Convergence, Resistance, Engagement" (2007) 35 (2) Federal Law Review 161 Jackson, Vicki C Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag
"Invigorating Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the South Pacific: A Conceptual Approach" (2007) 7 Queensland University of Technology Law and Justice Journal 71 Olowu, Dejo Australia - Queensland circa 2007 AustLII flag 1
"Regions, Regionalism and International Criminal Law" (2007) 4 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 3 Schabas, William A New Zealand circa 2007 NZLII flag
"International Criminal Tribunals at the Regional Level: Lessons from International Human Rights Law" (2007) 4 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 25 Richard Burchill New Zealand circa 2007 NZLII flag
"Non-International Armed Conflict and the European Court of Human Rights: Chechnya from 1999" (2007) 4 New Zealand Yearbook of International Law 205 Rowe, Peter New Zealand circa 2007 NZLII flag
"An Undemocratic Guardian of Democracy - International Human Rights Complaint Procedures" [2007] VUWLawRw 15 Hamamoto, Shotaro New Zealand circa 2007 NZLII flag
"The Individual and Customary International Law Formation" (2007) 48 Virginia Journal of International Law 119 Ochoa, Christiana United States circa 2007 WorldLII flag 3
"How Effective is the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance Likely to be in Holding Individuals Criminally Responsible for Acts of Enforced Disappearance?" (2006) 7 Melbourne Journal of International Law 245 Anderson, K Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 1
"The Ending of Impunity and the Fight for Justice: For Victims of Human Rights Violations: A Chasm too Great to be Crossed?" (2006) 9 Flinders Journal of Law Reform 181 Hooper, Katherine Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"Multiple International Courts and the 'Fragmentation' of International Environmental Law" (2006) 25 Australian Year Book of International Law 227 Stephens, Tim Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 1
"The International Criminal Court And National Amnesty" (2006) 12 Auckland University Law Review 97 Han, Sang Wook Daniel New Zealand circa 2006 NZLII flag 2
"Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Advisory Opinion), International Court of Justice, 9 July 2004" (2005) 27 Sydney Law Review 715 Friedman, Leah Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"UN: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948" [2005] ELECD 237 Edited Legal Collections Data Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Lawless World: International Law after September 11, 2001 and Iraq" (2005) 6 Melbourne Journal of International Law 437 Sands, Philippe Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 1
"Human Rights in the High Court of Australia, 1976-2003: The Righting of Australian Law?" (2005) 33 (2) Federal Law Review 287 Johns, Fleur E J Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Diplomatic Protection and Human Rights: The Draft Articles of the International Law Commission" (2005) 24 Australian Year Book of International Law 75 Dugard, John Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"A Tale of Two Systems: The Use of International Law in Constitutional Interpretation in Australia and South Africa" (2005) 29 Melbourne University Law Review 95 Devika Hovell and George Williams Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 7
"Doctrine of State Responsibility as a Potential Means of Holding Private Actors Accountable for Human Rights, The" (2004) 5 Melbourne Journal of International Law 1 Chirwa, Danwood Mzikenge Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag 3
"Australian Counter-Terrorism Legislation and the International Human Rights Framework" (2004) 27 University of New South Wales Law Journal 428 Joseph, Sarah Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag 6
"A Comparative Analysis of Individual Petition in Regional and Global Human Rights Protection Mechanisms" (2004) 23 University of Queensland Law Journal 22 Butler, Israel Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"Climate Change and Human Rights: The Role of the International Human Rights in Motivating States to Take Climate Change Seriously" [2004] MqJlICEnvLaw 8 (2004) 1 (2) Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 179 Doelle, Meinhard Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"The Removal Of Indigenous Children From Their Families" (2004) 8 University of Western Sydney Law Review 126 Buti, Antonio Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"Pragmatism and Realism Do Not Mean Abdication': A Critical and Empirical Inquiry into Singapore's Engagement with International Human Rights Law" (2004) 8 Singapore Year Book of International Law 41 Thio, Li-ann Singapore circa 2004 CommonLII flag
Priority of Morality: The Emergency Constitution's Blind Spot (2004) 113 Yale Law Journal 1753 Cole, David United States 1 Jan 2004 WorldLII flag 3
"Avena and Other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v United States of America): Must Courts Block Executions because of a Treaty" (2004) 5 Melbourne Journal of International Law 450 Quigley, John Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"Introduction" (2004) 5 Melbourne Journal of International Law 220 Goh, Anthony; Jukes, Michael; Yoosuf, Mehnaz Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag
"Al-Adsani v United Kingdom" (2003) 4 Melbourne Journal of International Law 561 De Oliveira Moll, Leandro Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag
Chaos and Rules: Should Responses to Violent Crises Always Be Constitutional? (2003) 112 Yale Law Journal 1011 Gross, Oren United States 1 Jan 2003 WorldLII flag 11
"Towards an International Criminal Procedure, Christoph Safferling (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001)" (2003) 4 Melbourne Journal of International Law 641 Tams, Christian J Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag
Do Human Rights Treaties Make a Difference? (2002) 111 Yale Law Journal 1870 Hathaway, Oona A United States 1 Jan 2002 WorldLII flag
"Peace or Justice - Amnesties and the International Criminal Court" (2002) 3 Melbourne Journal of International Law 247 Majzub, Diba Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag
"Rights Protection without Judicial Supremacy: A Review of the Canadian and British Models of Bills of Rights" (2002) 26 Melbourne University Law Review 285 Debeljak, Julie Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 6
"Canadian Residential Schools - The Demands for Reparations" (2001) 5 Flinders Journal of Law Reform 225 Buti, Tony Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag 1
"Awfulness of Lawfulness: Some Reflections on the Tension between International and Domestic Law, The" (2000) 21 Australian Year Book of International Law 1 Blay, Sam; Piotrowicz, Ryszard Australia circa 2000 AustLII flag 5
"Bringing Them Home - Well Not Just Yet" (1999) 6 James Cook University Law Review 61 Buti, Tony Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag 4
International Law Obligations to Provide Reparations for Human Rights Abuses [1999] MurUEJL 41 Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law Australia circa 1999 AustLII flag

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