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People v Ogapay   flag  17

(1975) 66 SCRA 209
Philippine Supreme Court Reports Annotated
Supreme Court of the Philippines

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
People of the Philippines v Felipe Tenorio @ "Bino" [1998] PHSC 38 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 20 Jan 1998 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Eliseo Martinado y Aguillon, Hermogenes Martinado y Aguillon and John Doe, alias "Rolly" [1992] PHSC 666 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 19 Oct 1992 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Pablo Mangulabnan, Major Rolando De Guzman, Guiamil Bari @ Bravo, Abdullah Masiri @ Guerrero, Radzak Abas @ Jack Arsad Ugalingan @ Ustadz Arsad, Kadir Solaiman @ Mimang, Guiral Andang @ Lucas, Abdul Manabilang @ Ting Minandang Ali @ Tikbalang, Penda Magka @ Budoy, John Doe @ Summy, Richard Doe @ Kilab Lawe, Biru (full name unknown) @ Paquito, as principals and Zainudin Warna @ Puri, Rampatan Warna, Kusain Warna, Guiamarodin Degan, Sumael Salik, Peter Doe, Paul Doe and Jane Doe, as accessories-after-the-fact fact Pablo Mangulabnan Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 16 Aug 1991 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Herminio Taaca and Regalado Taaca [1989] PHSC 739 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 29 Sep 1989 AsianLII flag
Trinidad Ramos v the Honorable Court of Appeals and People of the Philippines [1987] PHSC 404 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 21 Aug 1987 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Romeo Saavedra y Padua [1987] PHSC 185 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 18 May 1987 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Donato Petil and Bonifacio Lumanglas (At Large), accused, Donato Petil [1987] PHSC 132 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 31 Mar 1987 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Claudio Veloso, Julio Dalumpienes, Renato Torres, Israel Rapote, Rey Torres, John Doe alias "Rolly" and "Peter Doe," accused, Claudio Veloso [1987] PHSC 71 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 27 Feb 1987 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Wilfredo Rojas, Teodoro Villarin, Solomon Totoy, Gregorio Tundag and Sinfroso Masong [1987] PHSC 21 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 8 Jan 1987 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Luis Garcia Y Flores [1981] PHSC 199 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 9 Jul 1981 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Mariano Tigulo and Pacifico Velasquez [1979] PHSC 367 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 7 Nov 1979 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Antonio Alonzo, Renato Hernado, Rolando Ga Ñ o and Juan Villosillo alias "Ilocano" - GR [1976] PHSC 557 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 19 Oct 1976 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Antonio Alonzo, Renato Hernado, Rolando Ga Ñ o and Juan Villosillo alias "Ilocano" [1976] PHSC 302 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 19 Oct 1976 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Domingo Manlangit, Demosthenes Manlangit, and Demetrio Manlangit Demosthenes Manlangit, and Demetrio Manlangit, appellants [1976] PHSC 273 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 28 Sep 1976 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Domingo Manlangit, Demosthenes Manlangit, and Demetrio Manlangit Demosthenes Manlangit, and Demetrio Manlangit, appellants - GR [1976] PHSC 528 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 28 Sep 1976 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Reynaldo Godoy Y Monteverde [1976] PHSC 202 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 15 Jul 1976 AsianLII flag
People of the Philippines v Reynaldo Godoy Y Monteverde - GR [1976] PHSC 458 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 15 Jul 1976 AsianLII flag

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