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Commission v Lood   flag  6

(1980) 96 SCRA 819
Philippine Supreme Court Reports Annotated
Supreme Court of the Philippines

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ligaya M Apolinario v Desiree B Flores [2007] PHSC 7 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 22 Jan 2007 AsianLII flag
Leoncio A Amadore v Alberto G Romulo, [2005] PHSC 836 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 9 Aug 2005 AsianLII flag
Salvador Totaan, , v Hon Divina Luz Simbulan, [2004] PHCA 1025 Court of Appeals of the Philippines Philippines 12 Oct 2004 AsianLII flag
Aquilino t Larin v the Executive Secretary, Secretary of Finance, Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Committee Created To Investigate the Administrative Complaint Against Aquilino t Larin, Composed of Frumencio a Lagustan, Jose b Alejandrino and Jaime M Maza [1997] PHSC 878 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 16 Oct 1997 AsianLII flag
Aquilino t Larin v the Executive Secretary, Secretary of Finance, Commissioner of the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Committee Created To Investigate the Administrative Complaint Against Aquilino t Larin, Composed of Frumencio a Lagustan, Jose b Alejandrino and Jaime M Maza - GR [1997] PHSC 1638 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 16 Oct 1997 AsianLII flag
Salvador Jaculina v National Police Commission (Special Appellate Committee) and Atty Pablo S Villanueva [1991] PHSC 609 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 12 Aug 1991 AsianLII flag

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