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Terry Shields Pty Ltd v Chief Commissioner of Pay-roll Tax (NSW)   flag  18

(1989) 96 FLR 134; (1989) 98 ALR 559; (1989) 17 NSWLR 493; (1989) 20 ATR 901
Australia - New South Wales

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union, Miscellaneous Workers' Division, Western Australian Branch v Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-Service Men and Women Ltd, Western Australian Branch Incorporated [1997] WAIRComm 139 Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Western Australia 9 Jul 1997 AustLII flag
Brown v Listaglen Pty Ltd [1994] IRCA 158 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 21 Dec 1994 AustLII flag 1
D03-04\044 [2003] SCTA 212 Superannuation Complaints Tribunal of Australia Decisions Australia 18 Sep 2003 AustLII flag
Edith Fisher v The Totalisator Agency Board [1997] WAIRComm 17 Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Western Australia 30 Jan 1997 AustLII flag
Falcote Pty Ltd (t/as Grove Body Works) v Commissioner of Taxation (Cth) [2001] AATA 924; 48 ATR 1154 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 8 Nov 2001 AustLII flag
Fox and Commissioner for Superannuation [1999] AATA 924; 58 ALD 713 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 8 Dec 1999 AustLII flag
Garlan Henry Bryan, Peter Frederick Dixon, Stephen Peter Estcourt, Andrew Peter Hemming, Michael Rodney Hill, Ian Roger Matterson, Sam Frederick Mollard, John Paul Morris, Arnold George Shott, Zygmunt Szramka, Peter Henric Wilson and Philip John Arnett Wri [1994] TASSC 34 Supreme Court of Tasmania Australia - Tasmania 30 Mar 1994 AustLII flag
Gary Daw v Awu-Fine Amalgamated Union [1995] IRCA 106 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 9 Mar 1995 AustLII flag
Hammerton and Comcare [1995] AATA 63; (1995) 21 AAR 204 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 10 Mar 1995 AustLII flag 21
John Frederick Cullen v Department of Energy & Minerals [1995] IRCA 158 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 31 Mar 1995 AustLII flag
Malcom Jones v Awu-Fine Amalgamated Union [1995] IRCA 109 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 9 Mar 1995 AustLII flag
Ors v John Keith Bedford [1998] WASC 124 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 28 Apr 1998 AustLII flag
Quality Lodges International Pty Ltd v Bibby and Kelm (No 2) [2002] SASC 147 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia 2 May 2002 AustLII flag 3
Radair Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Pay-Roll Tax [1998] QSC 232 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 30 Oct 1998 AustLII flag
Re Peter Roland Mclennan and Commissioner of Superannuation [1990] AATA 301; (1990) 12 AAR 586; 22 ALD 607 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 7 Dec 1990 AustLII flag 7
TR 2003/15 - Income tax: Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding - Payments made by trustees under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 to former employees [2003] ATOTR 15 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2003 AustLII flag
TR 2003/15 - Income tax: Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding - Payments made by trustees under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 to former employees [2003] ATOTR TR2003/15 Australian Taxation Office Australia - Commonwealth circa 2003 AustLII flag
Wolfer v Computer Associates Pty Ltd [1995] IRCA 185 Industrial Relations Court of Australia Australia 12 Apr 1995 AustLII flag 1

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