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Southern Bluefin Tuna   flag  18

39 International Legal Materials 1359
International Legal Materials
United States

Cases Referring to this Journal Article

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ireland v United Kingdom - Case [2001] ITLOS 2 International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea International 3 Dec 2001 WorldLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Judge James Richard Crawford LLD, FBA, AC, SC (1948-2021)" [2021] MelbJlIntLaw 21 Young, Margaret A Australia circa 2021 AustLII flag
"Further Chronicle Relating to Bribery Cases, 2016" [2016] JSPL 23 Paterson, Don circa 2016 PacLII
"Peaceful settlement of international disputes: litigation or negotiation - some practical considerations" (2016) 14 Otago Law Review 329 Mansfield, Bill New Zealand circa 2016 NZLII flag 1
"100 Years of International Arbitration and Adjudication" (2014) 15 Melbourne Journal of International Law 1 Keith, Kenneth Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 1
"W h e re were the tuna watchers? Lessons for Australia in litigating against Japan" (2008) 33 (3) Alternative Law Journal 137 Klein, Natalie Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"Table of Cases" (2008) 27 Australian Year Book of International Law 503 Editors Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"Australian Approaches to International Environmental Law during the Howard Years" (2008) 27 Australian Year Book of International Law 115 Rose, Gregory Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"Baleen Out the IWC: Is International Litigation an Effective Strategy for Halting the Japanese Scientific Whaling Program?" [2006] MqJlICEnvLaw 6 (2006) 3 (2) Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 1 Hutchinson, Andrew Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"Multiple International Courts and the 'Fragmentation' of International Environmental Law" (2006) 25 Australian Year Book of International Law 227 Stephens, Tim Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag 1
"Uses of Pacific Settlement Techniques in Malaysia-Singapore Relations, The" (2005) 6 Melbourne Journal of International Law 313 Lim, C L Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 1
" [2005] Mqjlicenvlaw 14 [2005] MqJICEL 14 Freeland, Steven; Drysdale, Julie Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Co-Operation or Chaos - Article 65 of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Future of the International Whaling Commission" (2005) 2 Macquarie Journal of International and Comparative Environmental Law 1 Freeland, Steven; Drysdale, Julie Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"The Paradoxical Success of UNCLOS Part XV: a Half-Hearted Reply to Rosemary Rayfuse" [2005] VUWLawRw 31 Serdy, Andrew New Zealand circa 2005 NZLII flag
"Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS: The Exclusion of Maritime Delimitation Disputes" (2005) 24 University of Queensland Law Journal 165 Sheehan, Anne Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 1
"Paper Umbrella Which Dissolves in the Rain - The Future for Resolving Fisheries Disputes under UNCLOS in the Aftermath of the Southern Bluefin Tuna Arbitration, A" (2002) 3 Melbourne Journal of International Law 53 Peel, Jacqueline Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 1
"See You in the Port: Australia and New Zealand as Third Parties in the Dispute between Chile and the European Community over Chile's Denial of Port Access to Spanish Vessels Fishing for Swordfish on the High Seas" (2002) 3 Melbourne Journal of International Law 79 Serdy, Andrew Australia circa 2002 AustLII flag 1
"Southern Bluefin Tuna Case (Australia and New Zealand v Japan) (Jurisdiction and Admissibility); The Catch of Poseidon's Trident: The Fate of High Secv Fisheries in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Case'" (2001) 25 Melbourne University Law Review 801 Horowtiz, Deborah Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag

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