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Matching Law Journal Articles: 27

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"Editorial" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 7 Austin Sarat United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Before the Law: Animals in a Biopolitical Context" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 8 Cary Wolfe United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Animal Welfare and the Moral Value of Nonhuman Animals" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 24 Gary L Francione United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Taking Dogs Seriously?" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 37 Marie Fox United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Denying Animals Childhood and its Implications for Animal-protective Law Reform" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 56 Taimie L Bryant United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Degrees of Emotion: Judicial Responses to Victim Impact Statements" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 75 Mary Lay Schuster and Amy Propen United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Levinas and Political Subjectivity in an Age of Global Biopower" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 105 Matthew Stone United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary: Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt By Andreas Kalyvas New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009 336 pages $25 99 (Paperback), Isbn-10: 0521133416" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 124 Mark Antaki United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: The State as a Work of Art: The Cultural Origins of the Constitution: By Eric Slauter Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009 373 pp $40 00 (Cloth) Isbn 9780226761954" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 127 John Jude Garcia United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Prison Religion: Faith-Based Reform and the Constitution: By Winnifred Fallers Sullivan Princeton: Princeton University Press: 2009 304 pp $35 00(hardcover) Isbn 978-0-691-13359-1 1" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 130 ISBN 978-0-691-13359-1, 1; (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 130 Jenna Gray-Hildenbrand United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: A Power to Do Justice Jurisdiction, English Literature, and the Rise of Common Law 1509-1625: By Bradin Cormack, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008 424 pages $55 00 (Cloth), Isbn-10: 0226116247" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 132 Justin B Richland United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: The Lawyer’s Editing Manual: By Joan Ames Magat. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2009. 144 pages. $20.00 (Spiral Bound). Isbn 978-1-59460-538-3" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 134 Darien Shanske United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Being Against the World: By Dr. Oscar Guardiola-Rivera. London: Birkbeck Law Press, 2009. 290 pages. £29.99 (Paperback), Isbn 978-0-415-45946-4" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 135 Illan rua Wall United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Editorial" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 141 Austin Sarat United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Sovereign Times: Acts of Creation" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 143 Charles Barbour United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Can There Be Politics Without Sovereignty? Arendt, Derrida and the Question of Sovereign Inevitability" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 153 James R Martel United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Equality and Equivocation: Saving Sovereignty from Itself" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 167 Jill Stauffer United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"What comes after Sovereignty?" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 185 Oscar Guardiola-Rivera United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Dead Hand Rising: Dialectics Beyond Last Wills in The Merchant of Venice and The Tempest" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 208 Joseph Jenkins United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"The Elvis We Deserve: The Social Regulation of Sex/ Gender and Sexuality Through Cultural Representations of ‘The King’" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 221 Sharon Cowan United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"A Rose by Another Name: Legal Definitions, Sanitized Terms, and Imagery of Torture in 24" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 245 Jinee Lokaneeta United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Spinoza on Constitutional Interpretation" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 274 Eugene Garver United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Book Review Essay: How Should We Govern Ourselves at Home?: Democracy and Knowledge: Innovation and Learning in Classical Athens By Josiah Ober Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008, 362 pp $29 95 (Cloth) Isbn 978-0691133478 Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History By Douglass C North, John Joseph Wallis, Barry R Weingast Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 326 pp $30 00 (Cloth) Isbn 978-0521761734 City Bound: How States Stifle Urban Innovation By Gerald E Frug and David J Barron Cornell: Cornell University Press, 2008, 260 pp $35 00 (Cloth) Isbn 978-0801445149" Darien Shanske United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times By Jasbir Puar Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2007, 368 pp $24 95 (Paper) Isbn: 082234114X The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism By Kevin Floyd Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009, 304 pp $25 00 (Paper) Isbn: 0816643962" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 304 Robert Nichols United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: The Torture Memos: Rationalizing the Unthinkable By David Cole, ed The New Press, 2009, 291 pp $22 95 (Paper) Isbn 978-1595584922" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 307 Elizabeth I Pirnie United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: The Affective Life of Law: Legal Modernism and the Literary Imagination By Ravit Reichman Stanford University Press, 2008, $50 00 (Cloth), 213 pp Isbn 978-0-8047-6166-6" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 309 Sara Murphy United Kingdom circa 2010 flag
"Book Review: Law as Resistance (Collected Essays in Law) By Peter Fitzpatrick Ashgate, 2008 354 pp $154 95 (Cloth) Isbn: 0754626857" (2010) 6 Law Culture & the Humanities 311 Manas Ray United Kingdom circa 2010 flag

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