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Stephens v Cooper   flag 

[1797] EngR 263; 3 Lev 440; 83 ER 771; 4 Lat 147
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Underhill versus Devereux [1845] EngR 290; 2 Saund 71; 85 ER 715; 3 Salk 205; 4 TR 355 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag
Roberts versus Mariett [1845] EngR 222; 2 Saund 73; 85 ER 742 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag
John Browning, Plaintiff, and William Beston, Defendant [1816] EngR 101 United Kingdom circa 1816 CommonLII flag
Staple v Heydon [1794] EngR 1534 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
R and The Inhabitants of Holiborn [1744] EngR 1474; 94 ER 120; (1744) 1 Barn KB 175 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1744 CommonLII flag
Bank of England versus Moricf, Executrix of Humphrey Morice deceased [1734] EngR 64; 25 ER 549; [1734] Kel W 165 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1734 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
128 Rolle 2 128 Rolle 2 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
128 Dyer 286 128 Dyer 286 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
3 Salk 579 3 Salk 579 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
3 Bulst 117 3 Bulst 117 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
2 Lev 135 2 Lev 135 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
1 Dyer 117 1 Dyer 117 King's Bench United Kingdom flag

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