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Robert Edward, Viscount Lorton, and the Hon Robert King,-Appellants; George, Earl of Kingston, ,-Respondents; and George, Earl of Kingston,-Appellant; Robert Edward, Viscount Lorton, and the Hon Robert King,-Respondents   flag 

[1838] EngR 378
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Roe, on the Demise of Charles Prideaux Brune, Clerk, v Rawlings [1806] EngR 85; 7 East 279; 103 ER 107 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1806 CommonLII flag
Rex ver Abraham Head and Four Others, Freeman of Helston [1770] EngR 30; 4 Burr 2515; 98 ER 320 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1770 CommonLII flag
Goodright, on the demise of Glazier, ver Glazier [1770] EngR 29; 4 Burr 2512; 98 ER 317 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1770 CommonLII flag
White v Wilson 13 Ves 87 United Kingdom flag
Warden and Minor Canons of St Paul's v Morris 9 Ves 155 United Kingdom flag
Lloyd v Johns 9 Ves 55 United Kingdom flag
7 Ves 362 7 Ves 362 United Kingdom flag
Bmme v Rawlinp 7 East 288 King's Bench United Kingdom flag
Lorton v Kingston 5 Cl & F 269 House of Lords United Kingdom flag

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