Vunipola v Tonga Rugby Union Incorporated
[2021] TOSC 141
Supreme Court of Tonga
26 Aug 2021
Plenty v Seventh Day Adventist Church of Port Pirie
[2009] SASC 10
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
19 Jan 2009
John Sheahan (Respondent 1) and Le Poidevin Industries Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) (Respondent 2) v Northern Australia Land and Agency Co Ltd (Appellant 1), Dean Kiverton Le Poidevin (Appellant 2) and Gloria Dawn Le Poidevin (Appellant 3)
[1994] SASC 5045
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
6 May 1994
John Sheahan (Respondent 1) and LE Poidevin Industries Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) (Respondent 2) v Northern Australia Land and Agency Co Ltd (Appellant 1), Dean Kiverton LE Poidevin (Appellant 2) and Gloria Dawn LE Poidevin (Appellant 3)
[1994] SASC 4528
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
6 May 1994
John Sheahan and LE Poidevin Industries Pty Ltd v Northern Australia Land and Agency Co Ltd; Dean Kiverton LE Poidevin and Gloria Dawn LE Poidevin
[1993] SASC 3815
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
4 Feb 1993
Cook v South Australian Trotting Association
[1930] SAStRp 17; [1930] SASR 166
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
31 Mar 1930