London and India Docks Co v Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co
[1907] UKLawRpKQB 117; [1908] 1 KB 786
United Kingdom
15 Jun 1907
London Association of Shipowners and Brokers v London and India Docks Joint Committee
[1892] UKLawRpCh 125; [1892] 3 Ch 242
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
22 Jul 1892
Scottish Drainage and Improvement Co v Campbell
[1889] UKLawRpAC 21; (1889) 14 AC 139
United Kingdom
24 Jun 1889
Pryce v Monmouthshire Canal and Rly Cos
(1879) 4 AC 197
United Kingdom
circa 1879
LexisNexis / Westlaw
Proprietors of the Stockton and Darlington Railway,-Plaintiffs in Error; Charles Barrett,-Defendant in Error
[1844] EngR 884; 8 ER 1225; (1844) 11 Cl & F 590
House of Lords
United Kingdom
circa 1844
Proprietors of the Stourbridge Canal v Wheeley
[1831] EngR 276; 109 ER 1336; (1831) 2 B & Ad 792
Kings Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1831
De PortibusMaris;Allnut v Inglis
[1810] EngR 359; (1810) 12 East 527; (1810) 104 ER 206
King's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1810
4 AC 197
4 AC 197
United Kingdom
LexisNexis / Westlaw