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Sat Narain Appeal Nos 23 and 24 of 1932 v Rai Bahadur Sri Kishen Das, since deceased, (Lahore)   flag 

[1936] UKPC 50
Privy Council
United Kingdom
13th July, 1936

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Periakaruppan Chetty v Arunachelam Chetty [1926] ILR 50 circa 1926
Bigg, Sutherland & Co , Ld [1925] ILR 47 circa 1925
Daulat v Sankatha Prasad [1924] ILR 47 circa 1924
Brij Narain v Mangla Prasad [1923] ILR 51 circa 1923
Assignee of Madras v Ramchandra [1923] ILR 5; 46 Mad 54 India circa 1923 flag
Bawan Das v Chiene [1922] ILR 44 circa 1922
Gadadhara v Suryanarayana [1921] ILR 44 circa 1921
Sahu Ram v Bhup Singh [1917] ILR 44 circa 1917
Re Balusami Ayyar 51 Mad 417 India flag

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