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Rama Shah v Lal Chand (Lahore)   flag 

[1940] UKPC 6
Privy Council
United Kingdom
22nd February, 1940

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Municipal Committee Amritsar v Ralia Ram [1936] ILR 17 circa 1936 4
Patna (Liquidator Bagha Co-operative Society v Debi Mangal Prasad Sinha [1936] ILR 16 circa 1936 1
NAM Appasami Pillai v Morangam Muthirian (1934) 68 MLJ 73; [1935] AIR Mad 371 Malaysia - Tamil Nadu circa 1935 LexisNexis flag 1
Udaypal Singh v Lakhmi Chand [1935] ILR 58 circa 1935 2
Kunjamohan Shaha Poddar v Karunakanta Sen Chaudhuri [1933] ILR 60 circa 1933 4
Chhatrapat Singh Dugar v Kharag Singh Lachmirani [1916] ILR 44 circa 1916 2
Ghandradeo Singh v Mata Prasad [1909] ILR 31 circa 1909 6
Parr's Banking Co Ltd v Yates [1898] UKLawRpKQB 144; (1898) 2 QB 460; 67 LJQB 851; 47 WR 42 United Kingdom 14 Jul 1898 CommonLII flag 30
Mecca [1897] UKLawRpAC 17; [1897] AC 286; [1895-99] All ER 933; 667-8 Asp Mar Law Cas 266 United Kingdom 8 Apr 1897 CommonLII flag 112
Thomas v Thomas [1896] ILR 23 circa 1896 6
Bhattacharjee v Karam Bux Sikdar 27 CLJ 141 1

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