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Matching Cases: 17

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1950] Act 1950 [1950] Act 1950 United Kingdom circa 1950 flag 6
(1950) 1950-1 CB 7 (1950) 1950-1 CB 7 circa 1950 2
(1950) 1950-2 CB 427-28 (1950) 1950-2 CB 427-28 circa 1950 2
[1950] So 1950 [1950] So 1950 United States circa 1950 flag 2
(1950) 1950-2 CB 390 (1950) 1950-2 CB 390 circa 1950 1
Exchange of Notes between the Government of Ireland and the Government of France extending the Trade Agreement of [1950] IETS 1950_6 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Ireland and the United States of America, Dublin [1950] IETS 1950_7 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Trade Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of Austria concluded by an Exchange of Notes at the Headquarters of the Organisation for Eu [1950] IETS 1950_8 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Agreement for the Establishment of a European Payments Union (with Annexes and Protocol of Provisional Application), Paris [1950] IETS 1950_9 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Trade Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of Iceland concluded by an Exchange of Notes, Paris [1950] IETS 1950_10 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Exchange of Notes between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the Netherlands extending the Trade Agreement of [1950] IETS 1950_11 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Economic Co-Operation Agreem [1950] IETS 1950_1 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Ireland and the Egyptian Government prolonging the Provisional Commercial agreement of [1950] IETS 1950_2 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Weather Stations, London [1950] IETS 1950_3 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ireland and the Government of Spain regarding Mutual Aid and Exchange of Meteorological Information, Dublin [1950] IETS 1950_4 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
Trade Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ireland and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dublin [1950] IETS 1950_5 Republic of Ireland circa 1950 BAILII flag
[1950] Recueil 1950 [1950] Recueil 1950 Luxembourg circa 1950 flag

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