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Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation v Maurice a Garbell   flag  3

204 F2d 946; 98 USPQ 4
United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
United States
13th July, 1953

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
McElmurry v Arkansas Power & Light Co 995 F2d 1576; 27 USPQ2d 1129 United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit United States 16 Jun 1993 WorldLII flag 5
Pursche v Atlas Scraper and Engineering Co Atlas Scraper and Engineering Co 300 F2d 467 United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit United States 12 Dec 1961 WorldLII flag
Kimberly Corporation v Hartley Pen Co 237 F2d 294 United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit United States 10 Sep 1956 WorldLII flag 10

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
United States v Masonite Corporation 316 US 265; 86 L Ed 1461; 62 SCt 1070; 53 USPQ 396 United States Supreme Court United States 11 May 1942 WorldLII flag 90
United States v Dubilier Condenser Corporation 289 US 178; 53 SCt 554; 77 L Ed 1114; 17 USPQ 154 United States Supreme Court United States 10 Apr 1933 WorldLII flag 56
Corona Cord Tire Co v Dovan Chemical Corporation 276 US 358; 72 L Ed 610; 48 SCt 380 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Apr 1928 WorldLII flag 43
Standard Parts Co v Peck 264 US 52; 68 L Ed 560; 44 SCt 239 United States Supreme Court United States 18 Feb 1924 WorldLII flag 19
T H Symington Co v National Malleable Casting Co 250 US 383; 63 L Ed 1045; 39 SCt 542 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Jun 1919 WorldLII flag 14
Gill v United States 160 US 426; 40 L Ed 480; 16 SCt 322 United States Supreme Court United States 6 Jan 1896 WorldLII flag 14
Lane & Bodley Co v Locke 150 US 201; 150 US 193; 37 L Ed 1049; 14 SCt 78 United States Supreme Court United States 13 Nov 1893 WorldLII flag 14
Clark Thread Co v Willimantic Linen Co 140 US 481; 35 L Ed 521; 11 SCt 846 United States Supreme Court United States 25 May 1891 WorldLII flag 9
Solomons v United States 137 US 342; 34 L Ed 667; 11 SCt 88 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Dec 1890 WorldLII flag 18
Coffin v Ogden 85 US 120; 18 Wall 120; 21 L Ed 821 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Oct 1873 WorldLII flag 32
Adams v Burke 84 US 453; (1873) 17 Wall 453; 21 L Ed 700 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Oct 1873 WorldLII flag 38
Bloomer v Millinger 68 US 340; 1 Wall 340; 17 L Ed 581 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1863 WorldLII flag 8
Elisha Bloomer v John W McQuewan Allen R McQuewan and Samuel Douglas Partners Under the Name of McQuewans Douglas 55 US 539; 14 Wall 539; 14 L Ed 532 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Dec 1852 WorldLII flag 17
181 f2d 1010 181 F2d 1010 United States Westlaw flag 12
Hann v Venetian Blind Corporation 111 F2d 455 United States Westlaw flag 7
Maurice A Garbell, Inc v Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation , DCSD Cal 94 FSupp 843 United States Westlaw flag 2
Gate Way, Inc , v Hillgren, DC 82 FSupp 546 United States Westlaw flag 12
71 f2d 381 71 F2d 381 United States Westlaw flag 2
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co of Akron, Ohio v Miller 22 F2d 353 United States Westlaw flag 5
McClurg v Kingsland, Lightner & Cuddy 1 How 202; 11 L Ed 102 United Stated Supreme Court United States LexisNexis flag 26

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