New South Wales v Bardolph
(1935) 52 CLR 455
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1935
Legal Online / Westlaw
New South Wales v Bardolph
(1934) 52 CLR 455
Australia - Commonwealth
circa 1934
Legal Online / Westlaw
New South Wales v Commonwealth (No 3)
[1932] HCA 12; (1932) 46 CLR 246
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
3 May 1932
New South Wales v Commonwealth (No 1)
[1932] HCA 7; (1932) 46 CLR 155
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
21 Apr 1932
Australian Railways Union v Victorian Railways Commissioners
[1930] HCA 52; (1930) 44 CLR 319; 37 ALR 37; 4 ALJR 338
High Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
8 Dec 1930
Fisher v R Bull v R
[1901] VicLawRp 38; (1901) 26 VLR 781
Australia - Victoria
27 May 1901
[1896] Sec 6
[1896] SEC 6
United States
circa 1896
R v the Secretary of State for War
[1891] UKLawRpKQB 115; [1891] 2 QB 326
United Kingdom
17 Jun 1891
Awatere Road Board v Coknaial Treasurer
(1887) 5 NZLR 372
New Zealand
circa 1887
(1884) 12 QBD 461
(1884) 12 QBD 461
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1884
LexisNexis / Westlaw
(1880) 15 Ch D1
(1880) 15 Ch D1
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1880
LexisNexis / Westlaw
R v The Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand SC Christchurch
[1878] NZJurRp 155; (1878) 4 NZJur NS 47
New Zealand Jurist Reports
New Zealand
13 Sep 1878
R v Postmaster General
[1878] UKLawRpKQB 10; (1877-1878) 3 QBD 428; 45 LJQB 611
United Kingdom
28 Jan 1878
(1876) 14 SCR 446
(1876) 14 SCR 446
circa 1876
R v Lord Commissioner of the Treasury
(1872) LR 7 QB 387
United Kingdom
circa 1872
LexisNexis / Westlaw
(1867) 6 SCR 306
(1867) 6 SCR 306
circa 1867
In the Matter of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, Ex Parte Walmsley
[1861] EngR 509; 121 ER 644; (1861) 1 B & S 81
Kings Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1861
R v The Lords Commissioners of the Treasury Ex parte Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, surviving Trustee of Her Late Majesty Queen Adelaide
[1851] EngR 184; (1851) 16 QB 357; 117 ER 916
United Kingdom
circa 1851
(1838) 6 Dowl PC776
(1838) 6 Dowl PC776
United Kingdom
circa 1838
R v The Lords Commissioners of the Treasury In re Hand, Gent, one, &c
[1836] EngR 686; 111 ER 1053; (1836) 4 A & E 984
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1836
R v The Lords Commissioners of the Treasury
[1835] EngR 1004; 4 A & E 286; 111 ER 794
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom
circa 1835
9 Idaho 262
9 Idaho 262
United States - Idaho
7 Sec 37a
7 SEC 37A
United States
7 Idaho 402
7 Idaho 402
United States - Idaho
7 AC 619
7 AC 619
United Kingdom
LexisNexis / Westlaw
6 Sec 105a
6 SEC 105A
United States
3 WLR 1460
3 WLR 1460
United Kingdom
LexisNexis / Westlaw
3 DLR 316
3 DLR 316
2 Sec 62a
2 SEC 62A
United States
2 QB 326
2 QB 326
United Kingdom
LexisNexis / Westlaw
2 Idaho 576
2 Idaho 576
United States - Idaho
2 DLR 665
2 DLR 665