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Matching Cases: 34

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1963-1972] P 74 [1963-1972] P 74 circa 1972
TIelvok Proper·cies Ltd. v. Dixon and Another [1972] P & CR 1 United Kingdom circa 1972 flag
Le Mesurier v Pitt [1972] P & CR 389 United Kingdom circa 1972 flag
M/s National Rice and Dal Mills Vs The Food Corporation of India AIR 1972 P & H 163 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
[1972] P 1 [1972] P 1 circa 1972
[1972] P 6 [1972] P 6 circa 1972
[1972] P 13 [1972] P 13 circa 1972
[1972] P 15 [1972] P 15 circa 1972
[1972] P 24 [1972] P 24 circa 1972
[1972] P 35 [1972] P 35 circa 1972
In re Morris, deceased [1972] P 62 circa 1972
[1972] P 96 [1972] P 96 circa 1972
J Playford and D Kirsner (eds) Australian Capitalism [1972] P 102 circa 1972
[1972] P 123 [1972] P 123 circa 1972
[1972] P 124car [1972] P 124CAR circa 1972
[1972] P 127 [1972] P 127 circa 1972
[1972] P 128 [1972] P 128 circa 1972
[1972] P 130 [1972] P 130 circa 1972
[1972] P 132 [1972] P 132 circa 1972
[1972] P 135 [1972] P 135 circa 1972
[1972] P 136 [1972] P 136 circa 1972
[1972] P 138 [1972] P 138 circa 1972
[1972] P 141 [1972] P 141 circa 1972
[1972] P 149 [1972] P 149 circa 1972
[1972] P 181 [1972] P 181 circa 1972
Re Lavinia Musgrove Davis v Mayhew [1972] P 264 circa 1972
[1972] P 293 [1972] P 293 circa 1972
Mason v Mason [1972] P 302 circa 1972
Air 1972 P & H 29 AIR 1972 P & H 29 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
Hindustan Sanitary Ware and Industries Ltd and Anr v Haryana AIR 1972 P & H 59 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
Vedic College v Punjab AIR 1972 P & H 170 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
Jathedar Sandhu Singh v Charan Singh AIR 1972 P & H 347 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
Air AIR 1972 P & H 356 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag
Air 1972 P & H 811 AIR 1972 P & H 811 India - Punjab circa 1972 flag

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