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Re Emily Bush and the Commonwealth of Australia   flag 

[1983] AATA 133
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
17th May, 1983

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s37
Workers Compensation Act 1926 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Commonwealth of Australia v Lyon (1979) 24 ALR 300; (1979) 1 CCD 172 Australia circa 1979 LexisNexis AU flag 81
Viro v R [1978] HCA 9; (1978) 141 CLR 88; (1978) 18 ALR 257; (1978) 52 ALJR 418 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1978 AustLII flag 316
Favelle Mort Ltd v Murray [1976] HCA 13; (1976) 133 CLR 580; (1976) 8 ALR 649; 50 ALJR 509 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Apr 1976 AustLII flag 248
Wolmar v Travelodge Australia Ltd (1975) 8 ACTR 11; (1975) 26 FLR 249 Australia - Australian Capital Territory circa 1975 LexisNexis AU flag 25
Bywater v Commonwealth [1970] WCR 28 Australia circa 1970 flag 1
Humphrey Earl Ltd v Speechley [1951] HCA 75; (1951) 84 CLR 126; [1952] ALR 46; (1951) 25 ALJR 616 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 1951 AustLII flag 218
Mary Rose Greenhorn and the Commonwealth 1 CCN 166 Australia flag 2
Re Abrey and Commonwealth of Australia 1 CCD 1 Australia flag 3

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