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Kerala v Attesee   flag 

[1988] INSC 329; 1988 2 SCALE 1597; 1988 4 JT 250; 1989 1 SCC Supl 733; 1988 3 SCR Supl 601; AIR 1989 SC 222
Supreme Court of India
27th October, 1988

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Dr Mohammad Tahir v UP & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INAHHC 167 Allahbad High Court India - Allahbad 25 Mar 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Dr Mohammad Tahir v UP & Others - WRIT - A [2004] INUPHC 167 High Court of Judicature at Allahabad India 25 Mar 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Gauri Shankar v Up [1993] INSC 316; 1993 3 SCALE 371; [1993] JT 104; 1994 1 SCC 92; AIR 1994 SC 169 Supreme Court of India India 12 Aug 1993 LIIofIndia flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Finance Act 1961
Finance Act, 1969

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
733 JT 1988 733 JT 1988 circa 1988
Western Coalfields Ltd v Special Area Development Authority, Korba & Anr [1981] INSC 194; [1982] 2 SCR 1; (1982) 1 SCC 125; 1981 3 SCALE 1775; AIR 1982 SC 697 Supreme Court of India India 26 Nov 1981 LIIofIndia flag
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd v Union of India & Anr [1979] INSC 18; (1979) 2 SCC 529; [1979] 2 SCR 1038; AIR 1979 SC 798 Supreme Court of India India 24 Jan 1979 LIIofIndia flag
[1979] 2 SCR 10348 [1979] 2 SCR 10348 circa 1979
Bhajya S/o Shyama Kanbi v Gopikabai & Anr [1978] INSC 78; (1978) 2 SCC 542; [1978] 3 SCR 561; AIR 1978 SC 793 Supreme Court of India India 4 Apr 1978 LIIofIndia flag
Royal CommissioIJJS, Commissions and Committees of Government Amendment (No 2 Act 1977 United Kingdom circa 1977 flag
Madhya Pradesh v Narasimhan [1976] 1 SCR 61 circa 1976
Madhya Pradesh v M v Narasimhan [1975] INSC 133; (1975) 2 SCC 377; (1976) 1 SCR 6; AIR 1975 SC 1835; [1975] SCC (Cri) 589 Supreme Court of India India 15 Jul 1975 LIIofIndia flag
[1975] 2 SCR 879 [1975] 2 SCR 879 circa 1975
Gwalior Rayon Silk Mfg (Wvg) Co Lnd v The Asslstant Commissioner of Sale's Tax [1974] 2 SCR 8 circa 1974
Gwalior Rayon Silk MFG (WVG) Co Ltd v the Asstt Commissioner of Sales Tax [1973] INSC 257; [1974] 2 SCR 879; (1974) 4 SCC 98; AIR 1974 SC 1660 Supreme Court of India India 21 Dec 1973 LIIofIndia flag
New Central Jute Mills Co Ltd v the Assistant Collector of Central Excise, Allahabad [1970] INSC 177; (1971) 2 SCR 92; 1970 2 SCC 820; AIR 1971 SC 454 Supreme Court of India India 8 Sep 1970 LIIofIndia flag
Ram Kirpal Bhagat v Bihar [1969] INSC 325; [1970] 3 SCR 233; (1969) 3 SCC 471; AIR 1970 SC 951 Supreme Court of India India 13 Nov 1969 LIIofIndia flag
B Shama Rao v the Union Territory of Pondicherry [1967] INSC 35; [1967] 2 SCR 650; AIR 1967 SC 1480 Supreme Court of India India 20 Feb 1967 LIIofIndia flag
[1967] 2 SCR 657 [1967] 2 SCR 657 circa 1967
Ram Sarup v State (1963) 34 SCR 858 circa 1963
Ram Sarup v Munshi [1962] INSC 246; [1963] 3 SCR 858; AIR 1963 SC 553 Supreme Court of India India 30 Aug 1962 LIIofIndia flag
Collector of Customs, Madras v Nathella Sampathu Chetty & Anr(and Connected Cases) [1961] INSC 282; (1962) 3 SCR 786; AIR 1962 SC 316 Supreme Court of India India 25 Sep 1961 LIIofIndia flag
[1944] Act 11 [1944] Act 11 United Kingdom circa 1944 flag
2 SCR 345 2 SCR 345 circa 1982

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