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Edwards (Tenant), Genge (Tenant), Organ (Tenant), Harper (Tenant), Smeaton (Tenant), Jack (Tenant), Dibley (Tenant), Pettit (Tenant), Brown (Tenant), Sangster (Tenant), Chiller (Tenant), and Edmunds (Tenant) v Manwaring, Allan (Landlord)   flag 

[1991] NSWRT 211
Residential Tenancies Tribunal of New South Wales
Australia - New South Wales
11th October, 1991

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Local Government Act 1919 (NSW)
Residential Tenancies Act, 1987 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Casarotto v Australian Postal Commission [1989] FCA 116; (1989) 86 ALR 399; (1989) 17 ALD 321; (1989) 10 AAR 191 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Apr 1989 AustLII flag 287
Australian Postal Commission v Burgazoff (1989) 10 AAR 296 Australia circa 1989 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 41
McDonald v Director General of Social Security (1984) 1 FCR 354 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1984 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1188
Sullivan v Department of Transport [1978] FCA 48; (1978) 36 FLR 68; (1978) 20 ALR 323; (1978) 1 ALD 383 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Dec 1978 AustLII flag 755
Herman; Re Mathison (1961) 78 WN 6 United Kingdom circa 1961 flag 9

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