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Amanda Jane Bourke As Executrix of the Estate of Kay Adele Bourke Applicant and Frederick Joseph Bourke Respondent   flag 

[1993] FamCA 56
Family Court of Australia
11th June, 1993

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Family Law Act (Cth) s79

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Corin v Patton [1990] HCA 12; (1990) 169 CLR 540; (1990) 92 ALR 1; (1990) 64 ALJR 256 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 AustLII flag 243
Alexander v Cambridge Credit Corporation Ltd (1985) 2 NSWLR 685; (1985) 10 ACLR 42; 10 ATR 420 Australia - New South Wales circa 1985 LexisNexis AU flag 1243
McVey v Dennis [1984] FLC 79,208 Australia circa 1984 IntelliConnect flag 1
Patzak v Lytton & Registrar of Titles [1984] WAR 353; [1984] FLC 91-550; (1984) 9 Fam LR 737; [1983-84] ANZ Conv R 609 Australia - Western Australia circa 1984 LexisNexis AU flag 4
Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio [1983] HCA 14; (1983) 151 CLR 447; (1983) 46 ALR 402; (1983) 57 ALJR 358; [1983-1984] ANZ Conv R 169; 19 ATPR 41-288 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 May 1983 AustLII flag 1469
Ramsay v Ramsay [1983] FLC 78,058 Australia circa 1983 IntelliConnect flag 2
Thwaite v Thwaite [1982] Fam 1; [1981] 2 All ER 789; [1981] 3 WLR 96 United Kingdom circa 1982 flag 67
Pertsoulis, In Marriage of [1980] FamCA 37; [1980] FLC 90-059; 6 Fam LR 39 Family Court of Australia Australia 17 Jun 1980 AustLII flag 3
Pertsoulis, In Marriage of [1979] FamCA 11; [1979] FLC 78,147; 35 FLR 408; (1979) 35 ALR 408; 4 Fam LR 613 Family Court of Australia Australia 16 Feb 1979 AustLII flag 5
Pollard v Pollard (1975) 6 ALR 256; (1975) 25 FLR 125 Australia circa 1975 LexisNexis AU flag 9
Public Trustee v Grivas (1974) 2 NSWLR 316 Australia - New South Wales circa 1974 LexisNexis AU flag 17
Johnstone, Re [1973] Qd R 347; (1973) 22 FLR 291 Australia - Queensland circa 1973 LexisNexis AU flag 9
Harris v Walker (1969) 14 FLR 167 Australia circa 1969 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 19
In the Marriage of Bourke 114 FLR 89; [1993] FLC 92-406; 16 Fam LR 779 Australia circa 1983 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 7
McKee v McKee 10 Fam LR 754 Australia circa 1983 LexisNexis AU flag 4

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