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Siemens Ltd v Offshore Marine Engineering (277/92)   flag  5

[1993] ZASCA 87; 1993 3 SA 913; [1993] 2 All SA 437
Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa
South Africa
28th May, 1993

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ex parte: Balkan Energy Ltd; In Re: Balkan Energy Ltd v Government of the Republic of Ghana (17/18638) [2017] ZAGPJHC 197; 2017 5 SA 428 South Gauteng High Court, Johannesburg South Africa 29 Jun 2017 SAFLII flag
Travelex Ltd v Maloney [2016] ZASCA 128 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 27 Sep 2016 SAFLII flag 5
Tsung v Industrial Development Corporation of SA Ltd [2006] ZASCA 28; 2006 4 SA 177 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 23 Mar 2006 SAFLII flag 17
MV Snow Delta: Serva Ship Ltd v Discount Tonnage Ltd [2000] ZASCA 169; 2000 4 SA 746; [2000] 4 All SA 400 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 31 Aug 2000 SAFLII flag 46
Shipping Corporation of India Ltd v Evdomon Corporation [1993] ZASCA 167; 1994 1 SA 550; [1994] 2 All SA 11 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 12 Nov 1993 SAFLII flag 49

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Kergeulen Sealing & Whaling v CIR [1939] AD 487 circa 1939 3
Dukes v Marthinusen [1937] AD 12 circa 1937 8
Fielding v Sociedade Industrial de Oleos Limitada 1935 NPD 540 South Africa - Natal circa 1935 flag 3
Halse v Warwick [1931] CPD 233 circa 1931 5
Owners of SS Humber v Owners of SS Answald [1912] AD 546 circa 1912 9
Tracey v Jones [1911] ZAOFSLawRpPD 22 [1911] OPD 75 South Africa - Orange Free State 6 Oct 1911 SAFLII flag 1
Webster v Ellison [1911] AD 73 circa 1911 13
[1907] NLR 500 [1907] NLR 500 Sri Lanka circa 1907 flag 1
Lecomte v W and B Syndicate of Madagascar 1905 TS 696 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1905 flag 7
Springle v Mercantile Association of Swaziland Ltd 1904 TS 163 South Africa - Transvaal circa 1904 flag 1
Robson & Holton v W T Klonowski [1904] NLR 159 Sri Lanka circa 1904 flag 1
Einwald v The German West African Co (1887) 5 SC 86 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1887 flag 4
King and Son v Dewjbeebhou Jamel [1887] NLR 129 Sri Lanka circa 1887 flag 1
Menlove & Co v A Murray [1881] NLR 116 Sri Lanka circa 1881 flag 1
24 SC 558 24 SC 558 United Kingdom - Scotland flag 1
3 Menz 112 3 Menz 112 South Africa - Cape of Good Hope flag 5

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