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"B" and Medical Board of the ACT   flag 

[1994] ACTAAT 69
Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Australian Capital Territory
Australia - Australian Capital Territory
11th April, 1994

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Health Professions Boards (Procedures) Act 1981 (ACT)
Medical Practitioners Act 1930 (ACT) s42
Privacy Act (Cth)
Freedom of Information Act 1989 (NSW) s45

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Searle Australia Pty Ltd v Public Interest Advocacy Centre [1992] FCA 241; (1992) 36 FCR 111; 36 FLR 111; (1992) 108 ALR 163; 16 AAR 28 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 May 1992 AustLII flag 346
Colakovski v Australian Telecommunications Corporation [1991] FCA 152; (1991) 29 FLR 429; (1991) 100 ALR 111; (1991) 13 AAR 261; 23 ALD 1; (1991) 29 FCR 429 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Apr 1991 AustLII flag 179
Department of Social Security v Dyrenfurth [1988] FCA 148; (1988) 80 ALR 533; (1988) 8 AAR 544; (1988) 15 ALD 232 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 May 1988 AustLII flag 96
Re Fryar and Australian Federal Police (1988) 17 ALD 25 Australia circa 1988 LexisNexis AU flag 12
Fewster and Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet, Re [No 2] (1987) 13 ALD 139 Australia circa 1987 LexisNexis AU flag 12
Ascic v Australian Federal Police [1986] FCA 260; (1986) 11 ALN N184 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Aug 1986 AustLII flag 33
Young v Wicks [1986] FCA 169; (1986) 13 FCR 85; (1986) 79 ALR 448; 11 ALN N176 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 May 1986 AustLII flag 111
Re Thies and Department of Aviation [1986] AATA 141; (1986) 9 ALD 454; (1986) 5 AAR 27 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 29 May 1986 AustLII flag 100
Re Maher and Attorney-General's Department (No 2) (1986) 13 ALD 98 Australia circa 1986 LexisNexis AU flag 12
Re Fewster and Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (1986) 11 ALN N266 Australia circa 1986 flag 16
Austin v Deputy Secretary, Attorney-General's Department (1986) 12 FCR 22; (1986) 67 ALR 585; (1986) 10 ALD 169; 23 A Crim R 107 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 40
Re Williams and Registrar of Federal Court of Australia [1985] AATA 226; (1985) 8 ALD 219; 3 AAR 529 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 22 Aug 1985 AustLII flag 149
Re Boehm and Commonwealth Ombudsman (1985) 8 ALN N29 Australia circa 1985 flag 13
Re James and Australian National University [1984] AATA 501; (1984) 6 ALD 687; (1984) 2 AAR 327 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 23 Nov 1984 AustLII flag 227
Re Burns and Australian National University (1984) 1 AAR 456; (1984) 6 ALD 193 Australia circa 1984 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 57
Harris v Australian Broadcasting Corporation [1983] FCA 242; (1983) 78 FLR 236; (1983) 50 ALR 551; (1983) 5 ALD 545 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Oct 1983 AustLII flag 220
Re Witheford and Department of Foreign Affairs [1983] AATA 283; (1983) 5 ALD 534 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 26 Aug 1983 AustLII flag 75
Re Peters and Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet (1983) 5 ALN N218 Australia circa 1983 flag 2
Bleicher v ACT Health Authority 24 FCR 497; (1990) 96 ALR 732; (1990) 20 ALD 625; (1990) 12 AAR 246 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1983 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 24
Re Griffiths and Victoria Police 2 VAR 595 Australia - Victoria circa 1983 flag 4

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