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N93/00913   flag 

[1994] RRTA 951
Refugee Review Tribunal
20th May, 1994

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Migration Act 1958 (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Gulzar Ahmed,Manzar Ahmed,Mohamed Haeem Khan-v-Secretary of State for the Home Department [1990] Imm AR 61 United Kingdom circa 1990 flag 39
Tribunal and Secretary of State for the Home Department [1989] Imm AR 6 United Kingdom circa 1989 flag 40
R v Home Department State Secretary; Ex parte Sivakumaran [1987] UKHL 1; [1988] AC 958; (1988) 1 All ER 193; [1988] 2 WLR 92; [1988] Imm AR 147 House of Lords United Kingdom 16 Dec 1987 BAILII flag 998
Re Bloomfield and Sub-Collector of Customs, Australian Capital Territory (1981) 4 ALD 204 Australia circa 1981 LexisNexis AU flag 35

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