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Lefebvre freres et soeurs, GIE Fructifruit, Association des Murisseurs Independants and Star fruits Cie v Commission of the European Communities (Agriculture)   flag 

[1995] EUECJ T-571/93
Court of Justice of the European Communities
14th September, 1995

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1995] Page II-02379 [1995] Page II-02379 United Kingdom circa 1995 flag 1
Case T-84/94 Bilanzbuchhalter v Commission [1995] ECR II-101 Europe circa 1995 flag 5
Herbrink [1994] ECR I-223 Europe circa 1994 flag 19
Case T-5/94 J v Commission [1994] ECR II-391 Europe circa 1994 flag 6
Case T-29/93 Calvo Alonso-Cortés v Commission [1993] ECR II-1389 Europe circa 1993 flag 6
Joined Cases C-104/89 and C-37/90 Mulder v Council and Commission [1992] EUECJ C-104/89; [1992] ECR I-3061 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 19 May 1992 BAILII flag 97
K hn [1992] EUECJ C-177/90; [1992] ECR I-35 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 10 Jan 1992 BAILII flag 46
Case T-20/91 Holtbecker v Commission [1992] ECR II-2599 Europe circa 1992 flag 3
Star Fruit v Commission [1989] ECR 291 Europe circa 1989 flag 31
Lefebvre v Commission [1989] ECR 275 Europe circa 1989 flag 9
Klensch [1986] EUECJ R-202/85; [1986] ECR 3477 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 25 Nov 1986 BAILII flag 46
Krohn v Commission [1986] ECR 753 Europe circa 1986 flag 36
Tezi Textiel v Commission [1986] ECR 887 Europe circa 1986 flag 9
Parliament v Council [1985] ECR 1513 Europe circa 1985 flag 12
Roquette Fr res v Council [1980] ECR 3333 Europe circa 1980 flag 50
Amylum v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497 Europe circa 1979 flag 12
HNL v Council and Commission [1978] ECR 1209; [1978] 3 CMLR 566 Europe circa 1978 flag 44
Roquette [1977] ECR 1835 Europe circa 1977 flag 6
Donckerwolcke and Schou [1976] EUECJ R-41/76; [1976] ECR 1921 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 15 Dec 1976 BAILII flag 20
Kaufhof v Commission [1976] ECR 431 Europe circa 1976 flag 2
Balkan-Import Export v Hauptzollamt Berlin-Packhof [1976] ECR 19 Europe circa 1976 flag 9
Holtz & Willemsen v Council and Commission [1974] ECR 675 Europe circa 1974 flag 7
Zuckerfabrik Schöppenstedt v Council [1971] EUECJ C-5/71; [1971] ECR 975 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 2 Dec 1971 BAILII flag 54
Luetticke v Commission [1971] ECR 325 Europe circa 1971 flag 20

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