Farnhill v Shire of Daylesford and Glenlyon
[1998] 3 PABR 334
Australia - Victoria
circa 1998
Leichhardt Municipal Council v Minister Administering Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979
(1992) 77 LGRA 64
circa 1992
Environment Protection Authority v Simsmetal Ltd
[1991] VicRp 34; [1991] 1 VR 623; (1990) 70 LGRA 312
Australia - Victoria
8 May 1990
Protean (Holdings) Ltd v Environment Protection Authority
[1977] VicRp 5; [1977] VR 51; (1977) 40 LGRA 189
Australia - Victoria
29 Jun 1976
19 th 20
19 TH 20
South Africa - Transvaal
circa 1977