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Orange Communications Ltd v Director of Telecommunications   flag 

[1999] IEHC 254
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
4th October, 1999

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Postal and Telecommunications Services Act 1983 s111
Telecommunications (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act
1996 Act
Personal Communications) Regulations, 1996
(Telecommunications Services) Regulations, 1992 s2, s7

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
O'Cleirigh v Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry [1998] 2 ILRM 263 Republic of Ireland circa 1998 flag
State (Creedon) v Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal [1998] IR 51 circa 1998
McAuley v Keating [1998] 4 IR 138 circa 1998
Radio Limerick One Ltd v IRTC &#xA0 [1997] IESC 3; [1997] 2 IR 291; [1997] 2 ILRM 1 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 16 Jan 1997 BAILII flag
Dublin Well Woman Centre Ltd v Ireland [1995] 1 ILRM 418 Republic of Ireland circa 1995 flag
Labour Court [1994] ELR 153 circa 1994
O Keeffe v An Bord Plean la [1993] 1 IR 39; [1992] ILRM 237 Republic of Ireland circa 1992 flag
O Donoghue v An Bord Plean la [1991] ILRM 750 Republic of Ireland circa 1991 flag
P & F Sharpe Ltd v Dublin City and County Manager [1989] IR 701; [1989] ILRM 565 Republic of Ireland circa 1989 flag
International Fishing Vessels Ltd v Minister for the Marine [1989] IR 149 circa 1989
Great Portland Estates plc v Westminster City Council [1984] 3 All ER 744 United Kingdom circa 1984 LexisNexis flag
State (Sweeney) v Minister for the Environment [1979] ILRM 35 Republic of Ireland circa 1979 flag
Ellis v Secretary of State for Environment (1974) 31 P & CR 130 United Kingdom circa 1974 flag
Metropolitan Properties Co (FGC) Ltd v Lannon [1968] EWCA Civ 5; [1969] 1 QB 577; [1968] 3 All ER 304; (1968) 3 WLR 694; [1968] RVR 490; (1968) 19 P & CR 856 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 11 Jul 1968 BAILII flag
O'Keeffe v An Bord Pleanala (1933) 1 IR 39 circa 1933
R v Sussex Justices; Ex parte McCarthy [1923] EWHC KB 1; [1924] 1 KB 256; [1923] All ER 233; 22 LGR 46; 88 JP 3 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 9 Nov 1923 BAILII flag

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