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Coca-Cola Co and Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc v Commission of the European Communities (Competition)   flag 

[2000] EUECJ T-125/97
Court of Justice of the European Communities
22nd March, 2000

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
European Communities Act

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[2000] Page II-01733 [2000] Page II-01733 United Kingdom circa 2000 flag 1
Irish Sugar v Commission [1999] ECR II-2969 Europe circa 1999 flag 38
Assicurazioni Generali and Unicredito v Commission [1999] ECR II-203 Europe circa 1999 flag 10
ITT Promedia v Commission [1998] EUECJ T-111/96; [1998] ECR II-2937 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 17 Jul 1998 BAILII flag 24
France v Commission [1998] EUECJ C-68/94; [1998] ECR I-1375 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 31 Mar 1998 BAILII flag 65
[1996] CMLR 601 [1996] CMLR 601 Europe circa 1996 flag 2
Postbank v Commission [1996] ECR II-921 Europe circa 1996 flag 14
Case T-3/93 Air France v Commission [1994] ECR II-121 Europe circa 1994 flag 30
Ahlström Osakeyhtiö and Others v Commission [1993] EUECJ C-89/85; [1993] ECR I-1307; [1993] 4 CMLR 407 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 31 Mar 1993 BAILII flag 143
NBV and NVB v Commission [1992] ECR II-2181 Europe circa 1992 flag 41
Case T-19/91 Vichy v Commission [1992] ECR II-415 Europe circa 1992 flag 5
Delimitis [1991] EUECJ C-234/89; [1992] 5 CMLR 210; [1991] ECR I-935 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 28 Feb 1991 BAILII flag 92
Sunzest v Commission [1991] ECR I-2917 Europe circa 1991 flag 14
Case T-51/89 Tetra Pak v Commission [1990] ECR II-309 Europe circa 1990 flag 25
Rousseau v Court of Auditors [1988] ECR 2705 Europe circa 1988 flag 9
RSV v Commission [1987] ECR 4617 Europe circa 1987 flag 41
Brother v Commission [1987] ECR 3757 Europe circa 1987 flag 4
Ford v Commission [1984] ECR 1129 Europe circa 1984 flag 10
Michelin v Commission [1983] ECR 3461 Europe circa 1983 flag 206
GVL v Commission [1983] ECR 483; (1983) 3 CMLR 645 Europe circa 1983 flag 21
IBM v Commission [1981] EUECJ C-60/81; [1981] ECR 2639 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 11 Nov 1981 BAILII flag 151
[1979] CMLR 79 [1979] CMLR 79 Europe circa 1979 flag 2
NTN Toyo Bearing v Council [1979] ECR 1185 Europe circa 1979 flag 39
Deshormes v Commission [1979] ECR 189 Europe circa 1979 flag 9
Benzine en Petroleum Handelsmaatschappij v Commission [1978] ECR 1513 Europe circa 1978 flag 15
Deuka [1975] ECR 421 Europe circa 1975 flag 8
Cimenteries CBR v Commission [1967] ECR 75 Europe circa 1967 flag 20
Gondrand and Garancini [1981] ECR 1931 Europe circa 1931 flag 38

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