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Norncott Pty Ltd v Glenten Pty Ltd   flag 

[2000] WASC 21
Supreme Court of Western Australia
Australia - Western Australia
2nd February, 2000

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Goldspar Australia Pty Ltd v KWA Design Group Pty Ltd (1999) 17 ACLC 456 Australia circa 1999 IntelliConnect flag 48
Capital Bay Investments Pty Ltd v Richard Szklarz Architects Pty Ltd [1998] WASC 275 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 8 Sep 1998 AustLII flag 1
Re Parker [1997] FCA 1264; (1997) 80 FCR 1; 150 ALR 92; 25 ACSR 560; (1997) 15 ACLC 1 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Nov 1997 AustLII flag 87
Spencer Constructions Pty Ltd v G & M Aldridge Pty Ltd [1997] FCA 681; (1997) 76 FCR 452; (1997) 147 ALR 444; (1997) 24 ACSR 353; 15 ACLC 1001 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Jul 1997 AustLII flag 454
Graywinter Properties Pty Ltd v Gas & Fuel Corporation Superannuation Fund [1996] FCA 822; (1996) 70 FCR 452; (1996) 14 ACLC 1703; (1996) 21 ACSR 581; 14 ACLR 1703 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Sep 1996 AustLII flag 356
John Holland Construction & Engineering Pty Ltd v Kilpatrick Green Pty Ltd (1994) 12 ACLC 716 Australia circa 1994 IntelliConnect flag 52
Mibor Investments Pty Ltd v Commonwealth Bank of Australia [1994] VicRp 61; [1994] 2 VR 290; (1993) 11 ACSR 362; (1993) 11 ACLC 1062; (1993) 11 ASCR 362 Australia - Victoria 14 Sep 1993 AustLII flag 338
Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v State Rail Authority of New South Wales [1982] HCA 24; (1982) 149 CLR 337; (1982) 41 ALR 367; (1982) 56 ALJR 459 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1982 AustLII flag 3901
J C Houghton and Co v Nothard, Lowe and Wills Ltd [1928] AC 1; [1927] All ER 97 United Kingdom circa 1928 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 79

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