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Fleurose v Securities & Futures Authority Ltd   flag 

[2001] EWHC Admin 1085
High Court of England and Wales
United Kingdom - England and Wales
21st December, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Han & Yau v Commissioners of Customs and Excise [2001] EWCA Civ 1048 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2001 BAILII flag 25
Official Receiver v Stern [2001] 1 WLR 2230 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Wickramsinghe v United Kingdom [1998] EHRR 338 European Court of Human Rights Europe circa 1998 flag 2
Bendenoun v France [1994] ECHR 7; (1994) 18 EHRR 54 European Court of Human Rights Europe 24 Feb 1994 BAILII flag 24
Dombo Beheer BV v The Netherlands [1993] ECHR 49; (1994) 18 EHRR 213 European Court of Human Rights Europe 27 Oct 1993 BAILII flag 78
Otto B v v Postbank N v [1993] ECR 1-5683 Europe circa 1993 flag 2
Orkem v Commission of the European Communities [1989] ECR 8263 Europe circa 1989 flag 2
Campbell and Fell v United Kingdom [1984] ECHR 8; (1984) 7 EHRR 165 European Court of Human Rights Europe 28 Jun 1984 BAILII flag 73
Albert and Le Compte v Belgium [1983] ECHR 1; (1983) 5 EHRR 533 European Court of Human Rights Europe 10 Feb 1983 BAILII flag 108
Le Compte, Van Leuven and De Meyere v Belgium [1981] ECHR 3; (1981) 4 EHRR 1 European Court of Human Rights Europe 23 Jun 1981 BAILII flag 71
Engel v The Netherlands (No 1) [1976] ECHR 3; (1976) 1 EHRR 647 European Court of Human Rights Europe 8 Jun 1976 BAILII flag 199
1 WLR 2230 1 WLR 2230 United Kingdom circa 1981 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2

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