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Democratic Republic of the Congo v Belgium - Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 - Counter-Memorial of the Kingdom of Belgium - Written Proceedings   flag 

[2001] ICJTrans 26
International Court of Justice
28th September, 2001

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
102 CR 2000/35 102 CR 2000/35 circa 2000 1
31 CR 2000/32 31 CR 2000/32 circa 2000 1
432 CR 2000/33 432 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
358 CR 2000/33 358 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
46 CR 2000/32 46 CR 2000/32 circa 2000 1
45 CR 2000/34 45 CR 2000/34 circa 2000 1
484 CR 2000/33 484 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
47 CR 2000/34 47 CR 2000/34 circa 2000 1
499 CR 2000/33 499 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
485 CR 2000/33 485 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
196 CR 2000/33 196 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
103 CR 2000/35 103 CR 2000/35 circa 2000 1
106 CR 2000/32 106 CR 2000/32 circa 2000 1
159 CR 2000/33 159 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
337 CR 2000/33 337 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
264 CR 2000/35 264 CR 2000/35 circa 2000 1
298 CR 2000/33 298 CR 2000/33 circa 2000 1
[1998] JT 1999 [1998] JT 1999 circa 1999 1
379 International Legal Materials 1999 379 International Legal Materials 1999 International Legal Materials United States circa 1999 HeinOnline flag 1
[1995] International Legal Materials 1995 [1995] International Legal Materials 1995 International Legal Materials United States circa 1995 HeinOnline flag 1
A1-Adsani v Kuwait (1994) 100 ILR 465 circa 1994 4
(1989) 102 Ilr 201 (1989) 102 ILR 201 circa 1989 1
(1984) 80 Ilr 366 (1984) 80 ILR 366 circa 1984 1
(1961) 500 Unts 95 (1961) 500 UNTS 95 International circa 1961 flag 53
(1950) 17 Ilr 437 (1950) 17 ILR 437 circa 1950 1
Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field (1949) 75 UNTS 31 International circa 1949 flag 150
Sharon v Time, Inc 599 FSupp 538 United States circa 1949 Westlaw flag 20
Demjanjuk v Petrovsky 79 ILR 535 circa 1949 1
Demjanjuk v Petrovsky 79 ILR 534 circa 1949 1
38 International Legal Materials 918 38 International Legal Materials 918 International Legal Materials United States circa 1949 HeinOnline flag 2
Best 17 ILR 434 circa 1949 1
17 Ilr 279 17 ILR 279 circa 1949 1

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