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Dublin Corporation v O'Callaghan   flag 

[2001] IEHC 22
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
13th February, 2001

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Local Government Act, 1941 (Vic)
City and County Management (Amendment) Act, 1955 s17, s19, s20
Cork City Management Act, 1929 s15
City Management (Amendment) Act, 1941
County Management Act, 1940 s16, s19
Management (Amendment) Act, 1942
Interpretation Act, 1923
Interpretation Act, 1937
Limerick City Management Act, 1934
City Management Act, 1950
Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 s30, s33, s60
Government (Dublin) Amendment Act, 1940
Local Government Act, 1991 s8, s4, s30, s52
Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1963 s2, s24, s31
Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1976 s31
Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 1982 s7
Government (Repeal of Enactments) Act, 1950
Waterford City Management Act, 1939
Local Government, Act, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Mahon v Butler [1998] 1 ILRM 284 Republic of Ireland circa 1998 flag
O Connor v Kerry County Council [1988] ILRM 660 Republic of Ireland circa 1988 flag
Dublin Corporation v Moore [1984] ILRM 339 Republic of Ireland circa 1984 flag
Mayor, Constables, and Co of Merchants of the Staple of England v the Governor and Co of the Bank of England [1887] UKLawRpKQB 173; 21 QBD 160 Queen's Bench United Kingdom 15 Nov 1887 CommonLII flag
Attorney-General v Great Eastern Railway Co [1880] UKHL 2; (1880) 5 AC 473 House of Lords United Kingdom 27 May 1880 BAILII flag
Conservators of the River Tone, in the County of Somerset, v Ash [1829] EngR 211; 109 ER 479; (1829) 10 B & C 349 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag

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