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LawCite Chairperson of the Immigration Selection Board v Frank (SA8/99 , SA8/99)   flag 

[2001] NASC 1
Supreme Court of Namibia
5th March, 2001

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Marriage Act (Cth)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
National Credit Regulator v Opperman (CCT 34/12) 2013 2 BCLR 170 Canada - British Columbia circa 2013 flag 14
Fitzpatrick v Sterling Housing Association Ltd [1999] UKHL 42; [1999] 4 All ER 705; [1999] 3 WLR 1113; (1999) 3 CHRLD 89 House of Lords United Kingdom 28 Oct 1999 BAILII flag 24
Aonin Fishing v Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources [1998] NR 147 Canada circa 1998 flag 11
Mutjavikua v Mutual & Federal Insurance Co Ltd [1998] NR 57 Canada circa 1998 flag 7
Meridien Financial Services (Pty) Ltd v Ark Trading [1998] NR 74 Canada circa 1998 flag 2
Maia v Total Namibia (Pty) Ltd &nbsp [1998] NR 303 Canada circa 1998 flag 7
S v Nakapela [1997] NR 184 Canada circa 1997 flag 9
Johnston v Indigo Sky Gems (Pty) Ltd [1997] NR 239 Canada circa 1997 flag 7
Smyth v Ushewokunze 1997 2 ZR 544 Zambia circa 1997 flag 4
Romer v Evans 517 US 620; 116 SCt 1620; 134 L Ed 2d 855; (1996) 134 L Ed 2d 134; 109 Ed Law Rep 539 United States Supreme Court United States 20 May 1996 WorldLII flag 151
Government of the Republic of Namibia v Cultura 2000 1994 SA 407 South Africa circa 1994 LexisNexis flag 5
Adriaans v McNamara [1993] NR 188 Canada circa 1993 flag 2
Government of the Republic of Namibia v Cultura 2000 [1993] NR 328 Canada circa 1993 flag 12
Xoagub v Shipena [1993] NR 215 Canada circa 1993 flag 5
Swanepoel v Marais [1992] NR 1 Canada circa 1992 flag 20
State v Heita & An [1992] NR 403 Canada circa 1992 flag 1
S v Gey van Pittius [1990] NR 35 Canada circa 1990 flag 22
Braschi v Stahl Associates (1989) 544 NYS2d 784; 74 NY2d 201; 543 NE2d 49 United States - New York circa 1989 flag 9
Bowers v Hardwick 478 US 186; 92 L Ed 2d 140; 106 SCt 2841 United States Supreme Court United States 11 Sep 1986 WorldLII flag 205
Norris v Attorney General [1983] IESC 3; [1984] IR 36 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 22 Apr 1983 BAILII flag 102
Dudgeon v United Kingdom [1981] ECHR 5; (1981) 4 EHRR 149 European Court of Human Rights Europe 22 Oct 1981 BAILII flag 119
Coker v Georgia 433 US 584; 53 L Ed 2d 982; 97 SCt 2861; 97 SCt 286 United States Supreme Court United States 29 Jun 1977 WorldLII flag 153
Collin v Toffie [1944] AD 45 circa 1944 1
Loxton v Kenhardt Liquor Licensing Board [1942] AD 275 circa 1942 12
Central Provinces case [1939] FCR 18 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1939 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 60
Executors v Gaarn [1912] AD 181 circa 1912 161
149 f 4 149 F 4 circa 1999 1

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