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Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic   flag  11

[2005] FCA 1305257; [2006] FCAFC 17; (2006) 149 FCR 227; 226 ALR 42; 24 ACLC 256; 56 ACSR 585
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
27th February, 2006

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Thaluntha Pty Ltd v Citic Pacific Mining Management Pty Ltd [2019] WASC 196 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 14 Jun 2019 AustLII flag 4
Mineralogy Pty Ltd v Sino Iron Pty Ltd (No 6) [2015] FCA 825; (2015) 329 ALR 1 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Aug 2015 AustLII flag 84
Sims; Re Huon Corporation Pty Ltd (admins apptd) [2006] FCA 1201; (2006) 58 ACSR 620 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Sep 2006 AustLII flag 20
McMaster v Eznut Pty Ltd [2006] WASC 109; (2006) 58 ACSR 199 Supreme Court of Western Australia Australia - Western Australia 16 Jun 2006 AustLII flag 13
Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic [2006] FCAFC 92; (2006) 232 ALR 119 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Jun 2006 AustLII flag 33

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Implications of the Sons of Gwalia decision" (2008) 7 Journal of Law and Financial Management 8 Di Lernia, Cary Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"Houldsworth: An Obsolete Piece in the Legislative Puzzle" (2008) 12 University of Western Sydney Law Review 124 Nehme, Marina; Hyland, Margaret Australia circa 2008 AustLII flag
"Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic: the shifting balance of shareholders' interests in insolvency-evolution or revolution?" (2007) 31 Melbourne University Law Review 591 Hargovan, A & Harris, J Australia circa 2007 AustLII flag
"Noticeboard" [2006] BalJlNTLawSoc 68 Editors Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"From shareholder to creditor" (2006) 2 Monash Business Review 31 Richardson, Kristy Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag
"Members as Creditors: Sons of Gwalia Ltd Federal Court Appeal Unsuccessful" [2006] AURELawJl 20 Stumbles, John Australia circa 2006 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Corporate Law Reform Bill 1992 (Cth)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth) s12DA
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s436A, s439A, s553, s563A, s674, s1041H
Federal Court Rules (Cth)
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) s52, s82
Companies Act 1938 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Cadence Asset Management Pty Ltd v Concept Sports Ltd [2005] FCAFC 265; 147 FCR 434; 24 ACLC 1; 56 ACSR 309 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 2005 AustLII flag 7
Johnston v McGrath [2005] NSWSC 1183; 195 FLR 101; 24 ACLC 140; 56 ACSR 119 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 23 Nov 2005 AustLII flag 11
Sons of Gwalia Ltd v Margaretic [2005] FCA 1305; 24 ACLC 244; (2005) 55 ACSR 365 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Sep 2005 AustLII flag 10
Re Media World Communications Ltd [2005] FCA 51; (2005) 216 ALR 105; 52 ACSR 346; (2005) 23 ACLC 281 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Jan 2005 AustLII flag 16
Cadence Asset Management Pty Ltd v Concept Sports Ltd (2005) 55 ACSR 145 Australia circa 2005 LexisNexis AU flag 6
Soden v British & Commonwealth Holdings Plc [1997] UKHL 41; [1998] AC 298; [1997] 4 All ER 353; [1997] 3 WLR 840 House of Lords United Kingdom 16 Oct 1997 BAILII flag 13
Soden v British and Commonwealth Holdings plc [1995] 1 BCLC 686; [1995] BCC 531 United Kingdom circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 4
Webb Distributors (Aust) Pty Ltd v Victoria [1993] HCA 61; (1993) 179 CLR 15; (1993) 117 ALR 321; (1993) 11 ACSR 731; (1993) 11 ACLC 1178; (1993) 67 ALJR 961 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Nov 1993 AustLII flag 60
Victoria v Hodgson [1992] VicRp 89; (1992) 2 VR 613; 8 ACSR 33 Australia - Victoria 19 Jun 1992 AustLII flag 8
Re Pyramid Building Society (in liq) (1991) 6 ACSR 405; 10 ACLC 110 Australia circa 1991 LexisNexis AU flag 9
LB Holliday & Co Ltd, Re [1986] 2 All ER 367; [1986] BCLC 227 United Kingdom circa 1986 LexisNexis flag 6
Dividend Fund Incorporated (in liq), Re [1974] VicRp 53; [1974] VR 451 Australia - Victoria 18 Mar 1974 AustLII flag 11
Australasian Oil Exploration Ltd v Lachberg [1958] HCA 51; (1958) 101 CLR 119; [1959] ALR 855; 32 ALJR 301 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Nov 1958 AustLII flag 51
Davis Investments Pty Ltd v Commissioner of Stamp Duties (NSW) [1958] HCA 22; (1958) 100 CLR 392; [1958] ALR 561 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 9 May 1958 AustLII flag 53
Harlou Pty Ltd (In Liquidation), In re [1950] VicLawRp 19; [1950] VLR 449 Australia - Victoria 14 Apr 1950 AustLII flag 5
London Passenger Transport Board v Moscrop [1942] AC 332; [1942] 1 All ER 97 United Kingdom circa 1942 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 88
Re Automatic Bread Baking Co Ltd [1939] NSWStRp 41; (1939) 40 SR (NSW) 1; 57 WN (NSW) 31 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 5 Dec 1939 AustLII flag 1
Dennys Lascelles Ltd v Borchard [1932] ArgusLawRp 95; [1932] VicLawRp 63; [1933] VLR 46; (1933) 39 ALR 128 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 25 Oct 1932 AustLII flag 1
Re WH Eutrope & Sons Pty Ltd (in liq) (Gray's Case) [1932] ArgusLawRp 52; [1932] VicLawRp 38; [1932] VLR 453; (1932) 38 ALR 331 Argus Law Reports Australia - Victoria 20 Jul 1932 AustLII flag 4
Re Cinnamond Park & Co [1930] NI 47 United Kingdom - Northern Ireland circa 1930 LexisNexis flag 4
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd v National Mutual Life Nominees Ltd [1977] HCA 42; (1977) 137 CLR 252; 15 ALR 287 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 1908 AustLII flag 32
Saloman v Saloman [1897] AC 22 United Kingdom circa 1897 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Ooregum Gold Mining Co of India v Roper; Wallroth v Roper [1892] UKLawRpAC 11; [1892] AC 125 United Kingdom 14 Mar 1892 CommonLII flag 70
Dale and Plant, Ltd, In re [1889] UKLawRpCh 195; 43 Ch D 255; (1889) 61 LT 206; 1 Meg 338 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 19 Dec 1889 CommonLII flag 12
Re Addlestone Linoleum Co [1887] UKLawRpCh 223; (1887) 37 Ch D 191 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 7 Dec 1887 CommonLII flag 21
Trevor v Whitworth [1887] UKLawRpAC 26; (1887) 12 AC 409 United Kingdom 11 Jul 1887 CommonLII flag 98
Houldsworth v City of Glasgow Bank [1885] AC 317 United Kingdom circa 1885 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Guinness v Land Corporation of Ireland [1882] UKLawRpCh 264; 22 Ch D 349 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 11 Dec 1882 CommonLII flag 18
Hull & County Bank, Re (Burgess's Case) [1880] UKLawRpCh 160; (1880) 15 Ch D 507 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 5 Jun 1880 CommonLII flag 20
Houldsworth v City of Glasgow Bank (1880) 5 AC 317 United Kingdom circa 1880 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 54
Tennent v City of Glasgow Bank (1879) 4 AC 615 United Kingdom circa 1879 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 17
Stone v City and County Bank; Collins v City and County Bank [1877] UKLawRpCP 70; 3 CPD 282 United Kingdom 27 Nov 1877 CommonLII flag 7
Oakes v Turquand [1867] UKLawRpHL 18; 2 HL 325; 352 Cr & Ph 1 United Kingdom 15 Aug 1867 CommonLII flag 113
1 BCLC 686 1 BCLC 686 United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 1

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