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Arklow Holidays Ltd v An Bord Pleanala   flag 

[2005] IEHC 303
High Court of Ireland
Republic of Ireland
3rd August, 2005

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Planning and Development Act 2000 s146
Waste Management Act 1996

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Carlow Kilkenny Radio Ltd v Broadcasting Commission of Ireland [2003] IESC 200; [2003] 3 IR 528 Supreme Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 31 Jul 2003 BAILII flag
2003 2 Ir 73 2003 2 IR 73 circa 2003
[1999] Ecr 05901 [1999] ECR 05901 Europe circa 1999 flag
O Keeffe v An Bord Plean la [1993] 1 IR 39; [1992] ILRM 237 Republic of Ireland circa 1992 flag

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