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NG Ai Kheng, Jasmine v the Open University of Hong Kong   flag 

[2006] HKCA 363
Hong Kong Court of Appeal
Hong Kong
13th September, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Hksar v Chan Kau Tai [2006] HKCA 669; [2006] 1 HKLRD 400 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 26 Jan 2006 HKLII flag 36
Button [2005] Crim LR 571 United Kingdom circa 2005 Westlaw flag 1
Nina Kung v Wong Din Shin (2005) 8 HKCFAR 387 Hong Kong circa 2005 flag 271
Hksar v Lee Ming Tee [2003] HKCFA 34; (2003) 6 HKCFAR 336; [2004] 1 HKLRD 513 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 11 Aug 2003 HKLII flag 164
Yuen Kwai Choi v HKSAR [2003] HKCFA 20; [2003] 2 HKC 337; (2003) 6 HKCFAR 113; [2003] 2 HKLRD 176 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 9 Apr 2003 HKLII flag 60
Chalkley v United Kingdom [2003] Crim LR 51 United Kingdom circa 2003 Westlaw flag 1
Perry v United Kingdom [2003] Crim LR 281 United Kingdom circa 2003 Westlaw flag 1
Sargent [2003] 1 AC 347 United Kingdom circa 2003 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
R v Mason [2002] EWCA Crim 385; [2002] 2 Cr App R 628 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Criminal Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 13 Feb 2002 BAILII flag 8
R v Marriner [2002] EWCA Crim 2855 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Criminal Division United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2002 BAILII flag 4
P [2002] 1 AC 46 United Kingdom circa 2002 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
PG and JH v United Kingdom [2002] Crim LR 308 United Kingdom circa 2002 Westlaw flag 1
R v Shaheed [2002] 2 NZLR 377; (2002) 19 CRNZ 166; (2002) 6 HRNZ 561 New Zealand circa 2002 LexisNexis flag 157
R (Saifi) v Governor of Brixton Prison [2001] 4 All ER 168; [2001] 1 WLR 1134 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis flag 14
Loveridge [2001] 2 Cr App R 591 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis flag 2
Secretary for Justice v Lam Tat Ming [2000] HKCFA 90; [2000] 2 HKC 693; (2000) 3 HKCFAR 168; [2000] 2 HKLRD 431 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 23 Nov 2000 HKLII flag 93
Khan v United Kingdom (2000) 31 EHRR 1016; (2000) 8 BHRC 310 European Court of Human Rights Europe circa 2000 flag 21
Mohammed v The State [1998] UKPC 49; [1999] 2 AC 111; [1999] 2 WLR 552 Privy Council United Kingdom 9 Dec 1998 BAILII flag 47
R v Khan (Sultan) [1996] UKHL 14; [1997] AC 558; [1996] 3 All ER 289; [1996] 3 WLR 162; (1996) 2 CHRLD 125 House of Lords United Kingdom 2 Jul 1996 BAILII flag 66
R v Cheung Ka Fai [1995] 3 HKC 214 Hong Kong circa 1995 flag 6
Vel v Owen [1987] Crim LR 496 United Kingdom circa 1987 Westlaw flag 2
R v Lee Yi Choi [1985] 1 HKC 578; [1986] LRC (Crim) 340 Hong Kong circa 1985 flag 7
R v Sang [1979] UKHL 3; [1980] AC 402; [1979] 2 All ER 1222; [1979] 3 WLR 263; (1979) 69 Cr App R 282 House of Lords United Kingdom 25 Jul 1979 BAILII flag 526
Jeffrey v Black [1978] QB 490; [1978] 1 All ER 555; 66 Cr App R 81; [1977] 3 WLR 895 United Kingdom circa 1978 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 29
Kuruma v R [1954] UKPC 43; [1955] AC 197; [1955] 1 All ER 236 Privy Council United Kingdom 8 Dec 1954 BAILII flag 189
Schenk v Switzerland 13 EHRR 242 European Court of Human Rights Europe circa 1996 flag 52

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