Pratap Singh v Jharkhand
(2005) 3 SCC 551; [2005] SCC (Cri) 742
Supreme Court of India
circa 2005
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation v Darius Chennai
(2005) 7 SCC 627
circa 2005
Anil Rattan Sarkar v West Bengal
2001 5 SCC 327
circa 2001
Union of India & Anr v P vHariharan
[1997] SCC (L & S) 838
Supreme Court of India
circa 1997
Randhir Singh v Union of India
[1982] INSC 24; [1982] 3 SCR 298; 1982 1 SCC 618; 1982 1 SCALE 110; AIR 1982 SC 879; [1982] SCC (L & S) 11
Supreme Court of India
22 Feb 1982
Mohinder Singh Gill v Chief Election Commissioner
[1977] INSC 227; (1978) 1 SCC 405; 1978 3 SCR 272; AIR 1978 SC 851
Supreme Court of India
2 Dec 1977