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Manoj Kumar Pandey & Others v UP & Others - WRIT - A   flag 

[2006] INUPHC 4591
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
27th February, 2006

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2003) 3 SCC 699 (2003) 3 SCC 699 circa 2003 6
Sushma Suri v Govt (NCT of Delhi) (1999) 1 SCC 330 circa 1999 16
KC Sharma v Union of India (1997) 6 SCC 721 circa 1997 9
Jagdish Lal v Haryana (1997) 6 SCC 538; AIR 1997 SC 2366 Supreme Court of India India circa 1997 flag 36
Air 1996 SC 1145 AIR 1996 SC 1145 Supreme Court of India India circa 1996 flag 23
Air 1996 SC 2173 AIR 1996 SC 2173 Supreme Court of India India circa 1996 flag 33
Karnataka v SM Kottaryya (1996) 6 SCC 267 circa 1996 32
Ashok Kumar v Andhra Pradesh (1996) 3 SCC 225 circa 1996 3
(1990) 3 SCC 468 (1990) 3 SCC 468 circa 1990 2
Air 1989 SC 674 AIR 1989 SC 674 Supreme Court of India India circa 1989 flag 9
Air 1983 SC 580 AIR 1983 SC 580 Supreme Court of India India circa 1983 flag 16
Ajay Hasia v Khalid Mujib Sehravardi [1980] INSC 219; (1981) 1 SCC 722; [1981] 2 SCR 79; [1981] SCC (L & S) 258; AIR 1981 SC 487 Supreme Court of India India 13 Nov 1980 LIIofIndia flag 148
Kerala v Kumari t P Roshana & Anr [1979] INSC 9; (1979) 1 SCC 572; [1979] 2 SCR 974; AIR 1979 SC 765 Supreme Court of India India 17 Jan 1979 LIIofIndia flag 22
1 SCC 632 1 SCC 632 circa 1981 2

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