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McDonald v Tinbilly Travellers Pty Ltd   flag  5

[2006] QIRComm 103; 183 QGIG 709
Queensland Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - Queensland
22nd September, 2006

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Angela Brooks v D Caruana Manager Employee Relations WA Baptist Hospital & Homes Trust Inc [2010] WAIRComm 749 Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Western Australia 6 Aug 2010 AustLII flag
McDonald v Tinbilly Travellers Pty Ltd [2008] QCA 17; (2008) 168 IR 468 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 15 Feb 2008 AustLII flag 5
McDonald v Tinbilly Travellers Pty Ltd [2007] QIRComm 71 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Queensland 19 Oct 2007 AustLII flag
McDonald v Tinbilly Travellers Pty Ltd [2006] QIRComm 133; 183 QGIG 936 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Queensland 29 Nov 2006 AustLII flag 2
McDonald v Tinbilly Travellers Pty Ltd [2006] QIC 63; (2006) 183 QGIG 841 Queensland Industrial Court Australia - Queensland 30 Oct 2006 AustLII flag 7

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) s126, s127, s129
Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Qld)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Blue Moon Grill Pty Ltd v Yorkey ’ s Knob Boating Club Inc [2006] QCA 253 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 14 Jul 2006 AustLII flag 18
Bishop v Ropolo Services Pty Ltd [2006] FCA 592; (2006) 153 FCR 357 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 May 2006 AustLII flag 10
Queensland Motel Employers Association v McDonald [2006] QIRComm 64; 182 QGIG 136 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Queensland 16 May 2006 AustLII flag 1
Hewlett-Packard Australia Pty Ltd v Exeed Pty Ltd [2004] FCA 135; (2004) 48 ACSR 670 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Mar 2004 AustLII flag 11
Pacrim Charters Ltd v Taylor [2003] QIRComm 451; 174 QGIG 1132 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Queensland 14 Nov 2003 AustLII flag 3
Carter v Schmierer [2003] QSC 35 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 25 Feb 2003 AustLII flag 3
Canturi v Sita Coaches Pty Ltd [2002] FCA 349; (2002) 116 FCR 276; 51 AILR 4-601 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Mar 2002 AustLII flag 51
Staples v Allen Allen & Hemsley [2000] QIRComm 106; 164 QGIG 322 Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Australia - Queensland 13 Jul 2000 AustLII flag 2
Commissioner of Taxation of the Commonwealth of Australia v Sara Lee Household & Body Care (Australia) Pty Ltd [2000] HCA 35; (2000) 201 CLR 520; (2000) 172 ALR 346; 44 ATR 370; 74 ALJR 1094 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Jun 2000 AustLII flag 223
Schanka v Employment National (Administration) Pty Ltd [1999] FCA 1334; (1999) 166 ALR 663 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Sep 1999 AustLII flag 20
(1995) 61 Ir 32 (1995) 61 IR 32 circa 1995 184
Young v Auto Masters (Queensland) Pty Ltd (1995) 149 QGIG 1175 Australia - Queensland circa 1995 flag 1
Neat Holdings Pty Ltd v Karajan Holdings Pty Ltd [1992] HCA 66; (1992) 110 CLR 445; (1992) 110 ALR 449; (1992) 67 ALJR 170 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 1992 AustLII flag 1801
Crescendo Management Pty Ltd v Westpac Banking Corporation (1988) 19 NSWLR 40; [1989] NSW Conv R 55-476 Australia - New South Wales circa 1989 LexisNexis AU flag 297
Biotechnology Australia Pty Ltd v Pace (1988) 15 NSWLR 130; (1988) 26 IR 411 Australia - New South Wales circa 1988 LexisNexis AU flag 153
Commercial Bank of Australia Ltd v Amadio [1983] HCA 14; (1983) 151 CLR 447; (1983) 46 ALR 402; (1983) 57 ALJR 358; [1983-1984] ANZ Conv R 169; 19 ATPR 41-288 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 May 1983 AustLII flag 1468
Universe Tankships Inc of Monrovia v International Transport Workers' Federation (The Universe Sentinel) [1983] AC 366; [1982] 2 All ER 67; [1982] 1 Lloyds Rep 537; [1982] IRLR 200; [1982] ICR 262; [1982] 2 WLR 803 United Kingdom circa 1982 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 204
Wigan v Edwards (1973) 1 ALR 497; (1973) 47 ALJR 586 Australia circa 1973 LexisNexis AU flag 185
Davies v Elsby Brothers Ltd [1960] 3 All ER 672; [1961] 1 WLR 170 United Kingdom circa 1960 LexisNexis flag 68
Tallerman & Co Pty Ltd v Nathan's Merchandise (Victoria) Pty Ltd [1957] HCA 10; (1957) 98 CLR 93; [1957] ALR 1198 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Feb 1957 AustLII flag 287
Commonwealth v Baume [1905] HCA 11; (1905) 2 CLR 405; 11 ALR 124 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Apr 1905 AustLII flag 396

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