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< i > Chevron < /i > and Agency Norm-Entrepreneurship   flag 

(2006) 115 Yale Law Journal 2623
William N Eskridge, Jr and Kevin S Schwartz
Yale Law Journal
United States
1st January, 2006

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Controlled Substances Act (SA)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
President's Completion Power (2006) 115 Yale Law Journal 2280 Yale Law Journal United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 5
Beyond < i > Marbury < /i > : The Executive's Power To Say What the Law Is (2006) 115 Yale Law Journal 2580 Yale Law Journal United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 6
Break Up the Presidency? Governors, State Attorneys General, and Lessons from the Divided Executive (2006) 115 Yale Law Journal 2446 Yale Law Journal United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 3
Rational War and Constitutional Design (2006) 115 Yale Law Journal 2512 Yale Law Journal United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 4
United States v Mead Corporation 533 US 218; 150 L Ed 2d 292; 121 SCt 2164 United States Supreme Court United States 18 Jun 2001 WorldLII flag 411
Whitman v Am Trucking Ass'ns 531 US 457; 149 L Ed 2d 1; 121 SCt 903 United States Supreme Court United States 27 Feb 2001 WorldLII flag 125
William N Eskridge, Jr & John Ferejohn, Super-Statutes [2001] Duke Law Journal 1215 Duke Law Journal United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
FDA v Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation 529 US 120; 146 L Ed 2d 121; 120 SCt 1291 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Mar 2000 WorldLII flag 163
Muscarello v United States 524 US 125; 141 L Ed 2d 111; 118 SCt 1911 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Jun 1998 WorldLII flag 153
Washington v Glucksberg 117 SCt 2302 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Jun 1997 WorldLII flag 186
MCI Telecommunications Corporation v American Telephone & Telegraph Co 512 US 218; 129 L Ed 2d 182; 114 SCt 2223 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Jun 1994 WorldLII flag 74
[1993] Supreme Court Review 199 [1993] Supreme Court Review 199 Supreme Court Review United States circa 1993 flag 1
Rust v Sullivan 500 US 173; 114 L Ed 2d 233; 111 SCt 1759 United States Supreme Court United States 23 May 1991 WorldLII flag 269
EEOC v Arabian American Oil Co 499 US 244; 113 L Ed 2d 274; 111 SCt 1227 United States Supreme Court United States 26 Mar 1991 WorldLII flag 155
Cruzan v Director, Missouri Department of Health 497 US 261; 111 L Ed 2d 224; 110 SCt 2841 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Jun 1990 WorldLII flag 138
Mississippi Power & Light Co v Mississippi ex rel Moore 487 US 354; 101 L Ed 2d 322; 108 SCt 2428 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Jun 1988 WorldLII flag 47
Chevron USA Inc v Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc 467 US 837; 81 L Ed 2d 694; (1984) 52 USLW 4845; 104 SCt 2778; 104 SCt 2778-845 United States Supreme Court United States 25 Jun 1984 WorldLII flag 4367
Gonzales v Oregon 546 US 243; 126 SCt 904; 163 L Ed 2d 748 United States Supreme Court United States circa 1984 Westlaw flag 37
"Foreword: Law as Equilibrium" 108 Harvard Law Review 26 Harvard Law Review United States circa 1984 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 18
"Chevron's Domain" 89 Georgetown Law Journal 833 Georgetown Law Journal United States circa 1984 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 18
"Structure and Process, Politics and Policy: Administrative Arrangements and the Political Control of Agencies" 75 Virginia Law Review 431 Virginia Law Review United States LexisNexis flag 9
"Do Judges Make Regulatory Policy? An Empirical Investigation of Chevron" 73 University of Chicago Law Review 823 University of Chicago Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 12
"Canons Of Construction And The Elusive Quest For Neutral Reasoning" 58 Vanderbilt Law Review 1 Vanderbilt Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
"Remarks on the Theory of Appellate Decision and the Rules or Canons about How Statutes Are to Be Construed" 3 Vanderbilt Law Review 395 Vanderbilt Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 44
Jide Nzelibe, The Fable of the Nationalist President and the Parochial Congress 53 University of California at Los Angeles Law Review 1217

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