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Inspector Constable v Dubel Pty Ltd   flag 

[2007] NSWIRComm 235
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - New South Wales
17th September, 2007

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) s3A, s7, s21A, s8
Occupational Health and Safety Act (NSW)
Rules (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Morrison v Coal Operations Australia Ltd (No 2) [2005] NSWIRComm 96; (2005) 141 IR 465 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 27 Apr 2005 AustLII flag 53
R v Way [2004] NSWCCA 131; (2004) 60 NSWLR 168 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal Australia - New South Wales 11 May 2004 AustLII flag 922
Inspector Yeung v Thiess Pty Ltd (No 2) [2004] NSWIRComm 96 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 20 Apr 2004 AustLII flag 14
Inspector Steven Jones v Belmadar Constructions Pty Ltd [2004] NSWCIMC 17 New South Wales Chief Industrial Magistrate's Court Australia - New South Wales 23 Feb 2004 AustLII flag 1
Genner Constructions Pty Ltd v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales [2001] NSWIRComm 267; (2001) 110 IR 57 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 30 Oct 2001 AustLII flag 88
Right of New South Wales (Department of Education and Training) v Keenan [2001] NSWIRComm 106; (2001) 105 IR 181 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 25 May 2001 AustLII flag 77
WorkCover Authority of New South Wales v Belmadar Constructions Pty Ltd [2000] NSWIRComm 206 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 26 Oct 2000 AustLII flag 2
Page v Walco Hoist Rentals Pty Ltd (No 2) [2000] NSWIRComm 39; (2000) 99 IR 163 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 4 Apr 2000 AustLII flag 369
Solicitor: Mr C Zoppo Sparke Helmore CASES CITED: Capral Aluminium Ltd v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales (2000) 49 NSWLR 610 Australia - New South Wales circa 2000 LexisNexis AU flag 555
Department of Mineral Resources of NSW (McKensey) v Kembla Coal and Coke Pty Ltd [1999] NSWIRComm 353; (1999) 92 IR 8 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 16 Aug 1999 AustLII flag 194
Lawrenson Diecasting Pty Ltd v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales (Inspector Ch'ng) [1999] NSWIRComm 343; (1999) 90 IR 464 New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission Australia - New South Wales 12 Aug 1999 AustLII flag 544
WorkCover Authority of New South Wales v Albury City Council (1999) 90 IR 397 circa 1999 70
Drake Industrial v WorkCover Authority of New South Wales (Inspector Ch'ng) (1999) 90 IR 432 circa 1999 316
Pearce v R [1998] HCA 57; (1998) 194 CLR 610; (1998) 156 ALR 684; (1998) 72 ALJR 1416; (1998) 103 A Crim R 372; (1998) 15 Leg Rep C1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Sep 1998 AustLII flag 2651
Wong v Melinda Group Pty Ltd (1998) 82 IR 118 circa 1998 112
Watson v Southern Asphalters Pty Ltd (1996) 83 IR 446 circa 1996 89
Tyler v Sydney Electricity (1993) 47 IR 1 circa 1993 247
99 Ir 29 99 IR 29 circa 2000 49

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