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Ms Anup Ganju, D/o Late Pt Sarup Narain Ganju v Union of India, Through its Secretary - Case   flag 

[2008] INCAT 475
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
10th April, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Indian Airlines Officers Association v Indian Airlines 2008 1 SCC (L & S) 135 Supreme Court of India India circa 2008 flag 1
(2007) 2 SCC (l & S) 806 (2007) 2 SCC (L & S) 806 Supreme Court of India India circa 2007 flag 1
Chief Commercial Manager, South Central Railway, Secunderabad Vs G Ratnam (2007) 8 SCC 212 circa 2007 15
Reliance Energy Ltd v Maharashtra State Road Development Corpn Ltd (2007) 8 SCC 1 circa 2007 21
Uoi v K G Soni (2006) 6 SCC 794 circa 2006 7
Ekta Shakti Foundation v Govt of NCT of Delhi (2006) 10 SCC 337 circa 2006 12
MP Gangadharan & Anr v Kerala (2006) 6 SCC 162 circa 2006 5
vC , Banaras Hindu University v Shrikant AIR 2006 SC 2304 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 9
Sarvesh Kumar Awasthi v UP Jal Nigam [2004] SCC (L & S) 523 Supreme Court of India India circa 2004 flag 2
Bhavnagar University v Palitana Sugar Mill (P) Ltd (2003) 2 SCC 111; (2003) 2 Guj LR 1154; AIR 2003 SC 511 Supreme Court of India India - Gujarat circa 2003 flag 95
Merambhai Punjabhai Khachar v Gujarat [1996] INSC 575; 1996 3 SCALE 574; 1996 5 JT 472 Supreme Court of India India 18 Apr 1996 LIIofIndia flag 5
Union of India v SL Abbas [1993] INSC 235; (1993) 4 SCC 357; 1993 2 SCALE 718; 1993 3 JT 678; 1993 3 SCR 427; AIR 1993 SC 2444 Supreme Court of India India circa 1993 LIIofIndia flag 126
Rajendra Roy v Union of India (1993) 1 SCC 148 circa 1993 25
Silpi Bose v Bihar AIR 1991 SC 532 Supreme Court of India India circa 1991 flag 131
Sujata Kohli v High Court of Delhi 148 DLT 17 India - Delhi flag 7

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