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Shri Saiyed Musheer Ahmad Rizwi v Union of India, Through its Secretary - Case   flag 

[2008] INCAT 50
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
8th January, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Ltd Vs Workman, Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Ltd (2006) 12 SCALE 1 Supreme Court of India India circa 2006 flag 5
MP Rural Agriculture Extension Officers Association v MP (2004) 4 SCC 646 circa 2004 10
Union of India v Tarit Ranjan Das (2003) 11 SCC 658 circa 2003 14
Haryana v Haryana Civil Secretariat Personal Staff Assn (2002) 6 SCC 72 circa 2002 49
(1995) 7 SC 137 (1995) 7 SC 137 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1995 flag 1
1992 1 SCC 618 1992 1 SCC 618 circa 1992 1
Mallikarjuna Rao v Andhra Pradesh (1990) 2 SCC 707; 1990 2 SCR 418; 1990 3 JT 34; 1990 1 SCALE 705; AIR 1990 SC 1251 Supreme Court of India India 10 Apr 1990 LIIofIndia flag 49
Gujarat and Anr Vs Raman Lal Keshav Lal Soni AIR 1984 SC 161 Supreme Court of India India circa 1984 flag 8
General Manager, South Central Railwaysecundrabad & Anr E v a vR Siddhanti [1974] INSC 17; (1974) 3 SCR 207; 1974 4 SCC 355; AIR 1974 SC 1755 Supreme Court of India India 30 Jan 1974 LIIofIndia flag 15
BN Nagarajan v Mysore [1966] 3 SCR 682 circa 1966 25
Uttar Pradesh & Anr v Audh Narain Singh & Anr [1964] INSC 64; (1964) 7 SCR 89; AIR 1965 SC 360 Supreme Court of India India 9 Mar 1964 LIIofIndia flag 10

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