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[2008] Uksscsc Cis_612_2008 (14 August 2008)   flag 

[2008] UKSSCSC CIS_612_2008
Social Security and Child Support Commission
United Kingdom
14th August, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
FD (Algeria) v SSHD [2007] EWCA Civ 981 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 25 Sep 2007 BAILII flag
ST (Article 3 2: Scope of regulations) India [2007] UKAIT 00078 United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal United Kingdom 4 Sep 2007 BAILII flag
AK (Citizens Directive; AP and FP applied) Sri Lanka [2007] UKAIT 00074 United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal United Kingdom 23 Jul 2007 BAILII flag
AP and FP (India) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2007] UKAIT 00048 United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal United Kingdom 13 Jun 2007 BAILII flag
Commission v UK [2006] QB 764 United Kingdom circa 2006 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag
Wells [2004] ECR I-723 Europe circa 2004 flag
Secretary of State for Defence v Rusling [2003] EWHC 1359 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 2003 BAILII flag
Linster [2000] EUECJ C-287/98; [2000] ECR I-6917 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 19 Sep 2000 BAILII flag
Ekro [1984] EUECJ R-327/82; [1984] ECR 107 Court of Justice of the European Communities Europe 18 Jan 1984 BAILII flag
Hoekstra (née Unger) [1964] ECR 177 Europe circa 1964 flag

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